~24~Exhibition Expo 2007

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Yami Yugi: Yu-Gi-Oh, it stays crunchy. Even in milk!


Ishizu: My Millennium necklace gives me the power to see the future. And also to break the fourth wall.

Man: that's pretty neat. What else can you see?

Ishizu: in about 5 seconds you will be interrupted by the opening credits.

Man: what the heck are you talking abou-

*opening credits play*


Mokuba: hey big brother, can I watch spongebob?

Seto: shut up, Mokuba. I'm busy flagging YouTube videos to compensate the fact that I have a extremely small p***s.

Mokuba: oh... I like Patrick.

*phone starts ringing, Seto answers*

Seto: what the heck do you want?

Ishizu: hello Kaiba. This is Ishizu Ishtar. Stop whatever your doing and look at the tv right now.

Ishizu on Television: I personally invite Seto Kaiba to come to my museum.

Seto: what the heck was that?

Ishizu over Phone: you see Kaiba, I called you on the phone specifically so you would hear my message over the television.

Seto: why didn't you just invite me over the phone?

Ishizu: because I have magical powers.

Seto: you do realize your paying for this call right?

*Ishizu hangs up*


Yugi: I'm feel so confused... I can't decide whether I'm the main character or not...

Yami Yugi: of course your the main character, the show is called Yu-Gi-Oh, remember? Yu-Gi-Oh, Yugi... Seems pretty obvious.

Yugi: yeah but your the one who always wins the card games. Your the one that always gets all the fangirls. I get nothing. Let's face it, I'm about as important to the plot as [Ryou] Bakura.

Yami:  don't say that! Don't even think it!


Ishizu: we've recovered rare artifacts that depict the earliest game played in Egypt. Behold, Kaiba. The origin of Duel Monsters.

Seto: oh my god a giant rock!

Ishizu: that's right Kaiba. A giant rock.

Seto: I can't believe what I'm seeing. A giant rock! It's a rock and it's giant!

Ishizu: yes, and that's not all. Come over here Kaiba. And prepare to witness something incredible.

Seto: okay but it's going to be tough to beat that giant rock.

Ishizu: what you're about to see will change your life forever.

Seto: oh my god another giant rock!

Ishizu: this giant rock depicts the duel between the pharaoh and his high priest.

Seto: what the heck? He looks just like Yugi! But what does this mean?

Ishizu: it means your arch-rival Yugi Moto is a reincarnation of the pharaoh. And that history is about to repeat itself.

Seto: are you trying to tell me that Yugi and I are destined to play card games with each other for eternity?

Ishizu: yes.

Seto: Best. Destiny. Ever.


Seto: that guy looks just like me! And he has a blue eyes, just like me! And he's an a**hole, just like me!


Ishizu: wait Kaiba. Don't you want to know about the powerful cards I promised you?

Seto: you never said anything powerful cards.

Ishizu: well I meant to. Behold, Kaiba. The three Egyptian God Cards. Obelisk the Tormenter, Slyfer the Executive Producer, and Mega Ultra Chicken.

Seto: Mega Ultra Chicken? That's just dumb.

Ishizu: it is you who is dumb!


Ishizu: I can even see into the future. In 10 years you will open a Dueling Academy that teaches children how to play Card Games. And you will look exactly the same as you do now.

Seto: well now I know your full of crap.

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