~29~The Not-So-Super Roba Bros

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Yami: The duelists you're about to see are trained professionals. Do not try this at home.


Serenity: *In a hospital room, sitting on bed with bandages over eyes; alone.* And that's when I came to terms with my identity as a woman. Anyway, thanks for listening to me Tristan. It's strange, I feel really comfortable talking to you. It's like I can tell you anything! Since my parents got divorced, no ones really been there for me. And now that I have you... Well... I think I'm falling in love with you...

*toilet flushes and Tristan walks in room*

Tristan: I'm back! Sorry, I had to go take a dump while you were talking. I don't even remember eating half the stuff that came out of me! So, what did I miss? Are you still blind and stuff? ...Serenity? ... Hey Serenity! Joey's hot sister?! Oh great, now she's gone deaf too.


Tristan: I got you a present! Can you guess what it is?

Serenity: Is it a cure for my immolate blindness?!

Tristan: Nope. It's something even better! It's a computer! With this, we can log into DuelTube.com and check out footage from the Battle City tournament. Or watch illegally uploaded movies. But nobody really does that.

Serenity: You mean we can watch my big brother fighting in the tournament?

Tristan: We COULD do that, or we could watch this video I made with Windows Movie Maker.

*video shows lots of pictures of Serenity with Tristan, playing a romantic song*

Tristan: I think it looks very professional! I especially like the part where it goes all black and white!

Serenity: Tristan I can't see anything.

Tristan: Aww that's so sweet. You've been blinded by my love. And by your actual blindness.


Espa Roba: It's no use Joey Wheeler! I can predict every card that you play!

Joey: In that case, you might wanna keep quiet about it. I mean you might as well just yell "Hey everybody! I'm cheating! Please disqualify me!"

Espa Roba: Shut up! I'm trying to use my headset! I mean, um, Tap into the unknown cosmic forces around us!

Joey: Yeah, you do that.

Yami: *thinking while standing on a roof*
It seems like the writers have no idea what to with my character in this episode, so they stuck me on top of a building hoping that the rest would just write itself. At least while I'm up here, I don't have to put up with any of my so called 'friends'. Bunch of ungrateful little-

One of Espa Robas brother: *talking into a walkie talkie as he looks through a pair of binoculars on another roof*
Listen up brother! The card he just drew is graceful charity!

Yami: *notices and thinks*
Holy Ra! Those guys are cheating! Just like every character in this show! I could warn Joey about it, but on second thought it's much more fun to watch him squirm.
*yells down to Joey*
Hey Joey! Try summoning your Red Eyes! Oh wait you can't because it's mine now! I got it, you don't.

Rex: *laughs*
Yeah, try summoning your Red Eyes, dill hole.

Joey: Shut up Rex. Besides, I took that card from you, remember?

Rex: Uh, no.

Ryou: I say Joey, can I be in this episode too?
*gets crushed by one of those block things from Mario that I don't know the name of.*
Oh, double buggar.

Espa Robas brother: The next card is-

Mokuba: Hold it right there!


Mokuba: The only person that gets away with cheating is my big brother!

Espa Robas brother: wait! We're only doing this to help out our brother! He means the world to us!

Mokuba: You're doing it for your brother?
It's just like me and Seto when we were kids...

*flashback to orphanage when Seto and Mokuba were younger*

Seto: You guys call yourselves bullies? He's not even bleeding. You're all fired. I want you out of this orphanage by tomorrow morning. You make me sick.

(GUESS WHOS BACK?! I'm so sorry about the long wait. But hey, I'm almost at 400 votes!!! I can't believe it!!!! Thank you all so much! And I will be updating a lot more, so be prepared for that! Thanks for still being here if you've made it this far! Sorry, I forgot to edit it, so I unpublished it then republished it.)

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