13 Question Challenge(?)

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So, as far as I'm informed, this challenge doesn't have a name yet. But basically, the person that nominated you, theifshipper in this case, asks 13 questions. I answer them, then ask 13 questions of my own and nominate 13 people. I hope this is right, because this is what I got out of it. Here we go.

1. Do you have any crack ships and if so what are they?

I do have some crack ships. My all time favorite crack ship would probably be Deathshipping (Ryou X Yami Marik).

2. Quick! What's the first number that came into your head?


3. Do you have a word you like to say simply because it's fun to say?

Yes I do. It's gecko.

4. What's your rainy day activity?


5. Favorite childhood TV show?

SpongeBob SquarePants!

6. Baa baa black sheep have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.

7. What type of music do you like?

I like all kinds of music. Right now, my big obsession is nightcore.

8. What team?

Wild cats! ... I'm so sorry.
For football- college: Michigan.
NFL: Bears.
Any other sports- I don't really know.

9. If you could have hair like they do in anime, how would you want yours?

I'll just show you instead thanks to the newest update by Wattpad.

I'll just show you instead thanks to the newest update by Wattpad

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This hair only darker.

10. Something you like about yourself is?

Absolutely nothing.

11. Do you like bubble wrap?

So much. I love bubble wrap!!

12. What is the weirdest / grossest food you have ever tried?

I'm not really sure. Probably dried fruit. Sorry everyone who likes it!

13. What would you do if all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops?

I would dance around in happiness.


Now, my questions for you.

1. Do you ever make references? And if so, from what?

2. What is your 'spirit animal'?

3. Favorite TV show?

4. Apple or Samsung? Or neither?

5. What do you have Wattpad on? (I.e. Phone, tablet, laptop, etc.)

6. Favorite animal?

7. Favorite story on Wattpad and explain why. (Fanfiction or not.)

8. How has your day been? (I'm terrible at asking questions...)

9. What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up on?

10. What is the hardest thing you've ever had to do?

11. What scares you the most and why?

12. What's your middle name?

13. What do you really admire and why?

Wow that was harder then I thought... I'm terrible at asking questions. Anyways, I'm nominating CoolChipmunk , AnimeKat13 , JazminChinchilla , heartofthecards , PharaohGirl , and anyone else that wants to. If you have already done it, you don't have to do it again. Thanks for reading!!!

Attention! I will be updating this today or tomorrow!!!! I PROMISE!! Sorry for all the delays!! I hope you all forgive me!

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