~35~ A Tale of Two Tournies

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Mokuba: According to the computer, it should take us exactly one episode to reach our destination.

Seto: An entire episode just sitting in a helicopter? How the h*ll are we going to pass the time?

Yami: Well, we could either play a card game...

Seto: Without super-advanced holograms? Are you out of your mind?!

Yami: Or we could flashback to previous episodes in an attempt to save the animators time and money.

Seto: Wouldn't that just make all of our viewers mad and send our ratings plummeting into the ground?

Yami Yugi: Yep.

Seto: Lets do it.


*Flashback from a much earlier episode, when Yugi receives a video cassette*

Yugi: *pulling the video cassette out of a box* What is this strange device?

Joey: I believe it's called a video tape.

Pegasus: I'm in your TV, kidnapping your grandpa.

Yugi: We have to go rescue him!

Tristan: I'm the Jar Jar Binks of this show!


*Another flashback to an earlier episode, when Seto is sitting in his vacation home*

Seto: Losing a children's card game has caused me to have an existential crisis.

*2 bodyguards appear in the doorway, holding their fingers the same way children would while playing with pretend guns*

Bodyguard 1: Freeze, or we'll shoot you!

Seto: Go right ahead.

Bodyguard 2: Bang! Bang! Ba-Dow ba-dow ba-dow! Bang!

Seto: Oh no, you got me.

Bodyguard 1: Hey, stop making fun of our invisible guns!

Bodyguard 2: Bang!

Bodyguard 1: Larry stop it.


*Again, a flashback since that is what this episode was made for*
*On top of Pegasus's castle*

Seto: Yugi, if you don't let me win this duel, I'll kill myself.

Yami Yugi: *Sarcastically* Oh no, that would be terrible. Whatever would we do without you?

Tristan: Yousa tinkin yousa people gonna die?

Yami Yugi: Shut up, Tristan.


*After Yugi loses against Kaiba in a duel*

Yugi: Losing a children's card game has caused me to have an existential crisis!

Téa: I have prepared a friendship speech for such an occasion...

Yugi: Never mind, I'm all better now.


*In Pegasus' room*

Yami Bakura: I spy, with my little eye, something that begins with I. Guess what? It's your eye.

Pegasus: But that doesn't start with...


*In an ally, when Yami Bakura and Marik first met face to face*

Yami Bakura: We should be partners.

Marik: You mean like partners in crime?

Yami Bakura: Yeah, that's precisely what I meant.

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