~25~Dirty Dueling

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Tristan: your sister's the sexiest thing I've ever seen! I'm going to sleep with her.

Joey: if you do I'll kill you with my bare hands.

Tristan: you're just jealous.


Yugi: hey Teà.

Teà: hey Yugi.

Yugi: I have a... Hypothetical question. Would you... By any chance... Ever consider going on a date with me? I mean, just as a friend.

Teà: never in a million years, why?

Yugi: danget, I'll have to go with plan B.
Hey Teà, the Pharaoh wants to go out with you.

Teà: what? The pharaoh?

Yugi: yeah, he's pretty shy about it so he wanted me to ask you for him.

Teà: that's so sweet. I never knew he could be so romantic!

Yugi: yeah he's a regular Casanova now will you go out with him or not?

Teà: well it seems a bit weird. I mean it'll kinda be like going out with you.

Yugi: so it's a date. See you tomorrow Teà!

Teà: wait I didn't say yes!

Yugi: sorry can't hear you the rain is really loud!

Teà: what have I gotten myself into?


Yugi: I have a feeling today is going to be super special awesome! Now if I could just find the right outfit...

Yami: Yugi you look like a bondage slave.

Yugi: perfect. Girls love bondage slaves! Don't they?

Yami: if you set me up on a date with Teà, I'll never forgive you. You know how much I hate her constant friendship speeches.

Yugi: don't worry pharaoh, it's safe to say that today will be completely normal.

Yami: Yugi I can see you winking.


(Ok, this is one of the funniest moments. Prepare yourselves!)

Yugi: ah there she is! Ok pharaoh, you can thank me later. And remember, no hickeys! *switches with Yami Yugi*

Yami: huh? Yugi you little *BEEP* you son of a *BEEP*ing *BEEP BEEP BEEP* I'm going to tear off your *BEEP* and shove them right up your *BEEP* *BEEP BEEP BEEP* and then *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* on your *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* with *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* in the *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* and then *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* your *BEEP BEEP* so then you'll have to *BEEP* sideways! *BEEP*


Teà: This is a dream come true! I can't believe I'm on a date with the Pharaoh! I've got to play it cool. That means no Friendship Speeches. No matter how tempting it is I mustn't do a friendship speech. I mustn't.

Yami: Hey Teà, what do you think of-

Teà: friendship is the best thing ever! Don't you agree? Danget!

Yami: sure... Why not. So, what do you have planned for our date?

Teà: well we can either go shopping or we could go to the local museum and check out this exhibit on Ancient Egypt. 

Yami: huh... That exhibit looks fascinating. And it could hold all kind of answers as to who I am and why I'm here. Teà, this could be the key to unlocking the secrets of my past!

Teà: boring! Let's go shopping instead!

Yami: mmmmmmm!

*Cue music from Beauty and the Beast*

Teà: There's something sweet, and almost kind. But he was mean and he was course and unrefined! But now he's dear, and so I'm sure, I wonder why I didn't see it there before.

Yami: *BEEP*ing birds, this date is lame, it's such a bore. I'd rather be home playing card games more and more! If you ask me, Teà's a w****, but then that's nothing new she was like that before.


Teà: this has been the best night of my life! I went on a date with a hot stud, and I kicked a guys a** at DDR! What more could a girl ask for? By the way, why didn't you do anything when he was beating the crap out of me?

Yami: I thought it was part of the game.

Teà: but... He was attacking me.

Yami: I know. It looked like fun.

Johnny Steps: mind if I Step in?

Teà: first you attack me now you're stalking me. Do I need to file a restraining order on your a**?


Johnny Steps: and if I win, Teà has to go on a date with him! ... I mean me.

Yami: trust me Johnny you don't want that. She'll sing Disney songs and birds will randomly attack you!


Teà: I've been holding in the biggest friendship speech of my life and now your going to listen to it!

Johnny: no! Please! Have mercy on Johnny Steps!

[Several hours later...]

Teà: and that's why friendship is the best thing ever.

Johnny: yes... Friendship is great... Must. Go. Get. Friends.

Teà: brainwashing people is fun.

Yami: yes it is. I guess we have more in common then I thought.

(Ps, I forgot to mention last episode. LittleKuriboh made YGOTAS episode 66! It's hilarious!!!!)


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