~31~ Perfectly Ultimate Bunghole

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Yami Yugi: And now for something completely different!... Card games.

Marik: Say your prayers, because I, the evil Marik Sebastian Ishtar have taken control of the most evil Steve in all of Stevedom! Steve the mime! With his help, I shall defeat you and then conquer the world! Ah ha ha ha ha! Oh hey, look a bird! Isn't it just the cutest little guy? I-I mean no! In my new world, all birds shall be enslaved! Especially this one! And he shall be named Mr. Tweetums, for it is very evil! Ah hahahaha! Now be gone, Mr. Tweetums, I am trying to stalk my nemesis.


Joey: Nyeh, I still don't get why you tried to steal my duel disk...

Fanboy: It wasn't my idea; someone else put me up to it! He was short, had blue hair and wore glasses!

Joey, Tristan & Téa: Milhouse?!


*In a hospital room*

Serenity: What's going on, Nurse Cameltoe?

Nurse: Sorry to bother you Serenity, but if you happen to see a little boy, please let us know. He's recently recovered from having a seizure after watching an episode of Pokémon, and now he's convinced that he's Ash Ketchum. He keeps calling me Nurse Joy, it's quite annoying.

Serenity: Didn't we already make like a kazillion Pokémon references?

Nurse: Yes, but this one is actually relevant. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go practice being unsympathetic to sick people. Hurry up and get better.

Serenity: Hm. I wonder if my blindness will give me super powers in an inexplicable attraction to Jennifer Garner.

*Pokèmon theme song starts playing*

Serenity: Hey what's that noise?

Little Boy: Hey, I'm Ash Ketchum! Pokémon trainer!

Serenity: Oh for the love of-

Boy: I'm gonna be the best Pokémon trainer the world has ever seen!

Serenity: I don't. Care.

Boy: Are you Misty?

Serenity: No. I'm not Misty.

Boy: Come on, Pikachu! We gotta go beat Team Rocket!

Serenity: Ok, where the heck is the panic button?!

Joey: I thought Kaiba said this tournament was gonna adhere to the rules! Weevil should be disqualified right now!

Téa: Face it, Joey. Kaiba hates you more than George Lucas hates Star Wars! He's probably just laughing at you right now!

*meanwhile, at Kaiba Corp*

Kaiba: Teeheehee.

*Back in the hospital room*

Serenity: So, is my brother winning or-

Boy: Come on Misty! We have to get to Veridian City!

Serenity: I'm not going anywhere. I'm recovering from the operation that I didn't have.

Boy: You're funny, Misty! Hey, remember the time you got freaked out by those bug Pokémons?

Serenity: No.

Boy: You were all like, "Ahh, those are bug Pokémon! I do not like them!"

Serenity: Hey Ash?

Boy: Yeah, Misty?


Serenity: That nurse told me that you have cancer.

Boy: O-oh. Is that some sort of new Pokémon that can't be found in the Jonton Region?

Serenity: No. It's cancer.


Woah, look everyone! A real update! Yayyyyyy! I'm so sorry it took so long. School has been crazy.

And I would like to say, I was planning on updating YESTERDAY, but it actually started snowing. So I was throwing a mini party with myself. Then, my POWER WENT OUT! So yes. That included my wifi. And it didn't come back on until 11 o'clock last night. So unfortunately I was unable to update yesterday. But that was not my fault. I blame the wind.

But I will be updating a lot more often! I'm going for at least once a weekend, maybe even more. And I will stick to it! No matter what! I promise! And I will be updating Thiefshipping: The Musical sometime soon as well. And I will be having a little punishment for myself on there for taking so long to update. So if you're interested, look for the new update.

Until next time!~

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