~34~Dork Side of the Moon

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Train Station

Joey: *talking on the phone*
Hey Serenity, guess what? The doctors told me your blindness subplot was only temporary after all, because the writers want you to become a regular character! That means you're gonna be able to see again!

Serenity: That's awesome, Joey!

Joey: Hang in there, sis. I'll have somebody stop by later to pick you up.

At the hospital

Serenity: Please tell me it isn't going to be-

Tristan: Hello, lover.

Serenity: -...Tristan.

Marik: *Helping Ryou walk*

Téa: Oh my god, it's every fangirl's dream come true!

Marik: Somebody call an ambulance. This limey needs urgent medical assistance! Apparently, he has wanker's cramp.

Joey: Oh no, Bakura speak to me!

Ryou: Wankers cramp, the most deadly of British diseases!

Grandpa: Don't worry, I'll take him to the hospital.

Joey: Good idea. While you're at it, you might wanna get that harpoon injury taken care of.

Grandpa: What harpoon injury?

*Some blood squirts onto Joey's chin*

Joey: Hey, innocent bystander, thanks for helping out our friend.

Téa: May I just interject so I can say humina-humina-humina...

Marik: Silence fools! I- I mean, you're welcome. *thinking* Excellent, my vague evil plan is going perfectly!

Joey: You seem like a swell dude. What's your name, pal?

Marik: *thinking* Crap in a bucket! I didn't plan for this! Think of a fake name, think of a fake name!
Um, my name is uh, um, Mmmmmmmmmmmmalik.

Joey: Malik, huh? That sounds kinda like Marik, the guy we're trying to defeat in this season.

Marik: Yeah, I get that a lot.

Mokuba: *on laptop*
I can't believe that I've almost gone an entire season without being kidnapped! Wait till Seto hears about this!

Steve's: *on building behind Mokuba*

Mokuba: Oh, me and my big adorable mouth!

Lumis (Steve): Bow down and worship your digital ruler, Seto Kaiba. For we have kidnapped your next-of-kin. The Mokuba Kaiba.

Seto: That figures...

Téa: Now to make my escape disguised as a simple cardboard box!

Steve 1: Hey Steve, why is that girl wearing a box on her head?

Steve 2: Beats me, Steve. You wanna go play racquetball later?

Téa: Geez! How does Solid Snake always make it look so easy?!

Téa: Mokuba, you have to get out and warn the others about the army of Steve's and their evil plot! Also, try to see if you can get Malik's phone number for me.

Mokuba: Fat chance, cootie breath.

In Helicopter

Seto: Oh god*BEEP* it, I wanted the window seat!

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