~36~ The Man who Would be Steve

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Yami Yugi: It's the Yu-Gi-Oh! drinking game! Take a drink (OF WATER) every time we mention "friendship"!


Mokuba: Check it out, bro! Joey's down there!

Seto: Quick, Mokuba, land on top of him!

Yami Yugi: No, wait! Something is wrong. He looks slightly more brain-dead than usual. I wonder how this will effect... our friendship.

Seto: I still say we land on him.

*Yami Yugi glares at Seto*

Seto: Come on, it'll be funny.


Joey: *Voice is echoing*
There is no Joey. There is only Steve.

Téa: *Voice is also echoing*
That's right, Pharaoh. Our names have both been legally changed. We take orders from Marik now. Te. He. He. He. He.

Yami Yugi: Téa has been Steved! This is horrible... and yet strangely erotic.

Mokuba: They've been brainwashed, Seto!

Seto: Personally, I blame the rap music.


Serenity: When I take off my bandages, I want the first thing I see to be my big brother playing a card game.

Tristan: Don't hold your breath. I hear card games are very rare on this show!

*Several Steve's gather around them*

A Steve: We want the girl.

Tristan: Hey, back off! I already called dibs!


*Joey and Yami Yugi have been cuffed at the ankles to a large anchor. Whoever wins the duel will receive a key that they can unlock the ankle cuff and live. Whoever loses will drown*

Joey: It's useless, Pharaoh. No matter what you do, one of your friends is gonna die.

Yami Yugi: Forget my friends! What the h*ll happened to my jacket?! It's bloody freezing out here!

Téa: Don't worry, Pharaoh! I shall sing the most beautiful song in the world and the power of friendship will do the rest! *starts singing* Once upon a time, I was falling in love-

Yami Yugi: *While Téa continues to sing in the background* Suddenly, drowning sounds a lot more appealing.


Yugi: *In spirit form, so only Yami can see him* Pharaoh! You have to let me take over! I'm the only one who can breakthrough to Joey!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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