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The first time I met Nathan.

It was our first date of our Take Me Home tour. London, O2.

I was excited and nervous and all over the place. I was over my break-up from Taylor, a happy bachelor who was only in love with his job - and Esther.

Esther was backstage somewhere, she wanted to be at the first tour date - I was beyond happy about this, well, until she added that she was bringing Nathan too.

They'd been together two months and he was all Esther spoke about. I couldn't really expect much else from her, but I think I knew more about Nathan than he knew about himself.

When I found Esther she was smiling wide and holding her arms out for me. I hugged her tight as I kissed her cheek. I was wondering if this might annoy Nathan but he seemed absolutely cool with it.

"How fucking excited are you?" Esther beamed.

I was taken aback, Esther never swears unless she's really, really angry or losing at a game.

"Erm, I'm excited."

"Nathan, Harry. H, Nathan."

I look up at him and hold my hand out. He shakes it well. "Good to meet you," I greet politely.

"You too, always important to meet the best friend," He answers.

Esther smiled up at him and I felt my stomach churn. "We're expected on stage soon."


"Thanks for the ticket, by the way." Nathan politely smiles.

"No problem, man." I left them to find the boys so we could prepare and do our huddle.

"What's he like?" Niall whispers as we grab our mics.

"Alright guy," I shrug. "She's hopelessly in love,"

Niall goes to say something but I ignore him and shake my shoulders trying to rid the nerves.

.  .  .

We had been on tour for a week now, and we were in Manchester. Today was an off-day and I wasn't actually meeting Esther, but Nathan.

Esther had asked us both to meet so we could get to know each other better, she wants her bestfriend and boyfriend to get along and in order to do this we're having lunch.

I arrived first as I hate being late, Nathan arrived not long after me.

"I never know what to order," He comments as we both look through our menus.

"Yeah, spoilt for choice." I reply, eyes down.

When we ordered, we sipped drinks quietly.

"So, you and Esther.. How have you been together?"

"Nearly three months," Nathan smiles.

I nod silently. "She's very much in love,"

"Me too,"

"Have you said it yet?"

"I love you?" He asks.

I nod, hoping the answers no.

"No, I don't think it's the time yet. They say you know when you know don't they?"

I swallow. "Yeah,"

"I'm just glad we get to have this and sit down and just.. Get to know each other, Esther has told me so much about you and about your different adventures, and I know most boyfriends would be jealous and annoyed but.. I know you've been there for her through everything,"

"Yeah.. We've been through a lot together."

"I just don't want you to feel like I've taken her or anything.. Because she loves you very much,"

But not like she loves you.

"Yeah, I know. I don't feel like you've taken her away from me at all." I admit.


"I just.. Can I be honest?"

I nod.

"I had the feeling that you kind of, maybe.. didn't like me?"

I sit up straighter as I try to reply.

"And that may just be me being paranoid because I mean, it's kind of difficult trying to be as cool as The Harry Styles," He laughs awkwardly.

I instantly feel guilty, I'd straight away penalised this guy for my own issues. Here he is, a guy who fell in love with a girl and he feels as if he has something to live up to, like he's in the wrong - which he's not.

"You don't have anything to worry about Nathan," I smile. "Don't try and be something or someone you're not. I'm normal too,"

He nods.

"And this whole me not liking you issue, it's not that.. it's just I have a protection towards Esther. She's my best friend, the one person who knows me inside out."

He nods again.

We both sit up and thank the waitress for our food before I start talking again.

"There hasn't been a moment in the past however many years where I haven't been there for Esther. You need to understand that her now having a boyfriend is all new to me, and her. She has certain crazy spells or days where she'll just want to be by herself, she hates pineapple and the word spleen."

Nathan laughs. "Spleen?"

I shrug biting into my burger. "From science lessons I guess."

He nods.

"With Esther, she wears her heart on her sleeve and I fear she'll get screwed over badly."

Nathan frowns. "I'd hate that too. I can't imagine ever hurting her."

I nod. "Good, as long as you know that if you ever, ever, cause her any amount of sadness, I will personally take care of making sure you eat through a straw for the rest of your life. Clear?"

Nathan visibly gulps. "Crystal,"

I smile. "Great, we should get on really well then."

We both laugh as we continue our meal.

. . .


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