chApter 1

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I am not mute. I just chose not to talk. But what can I do about it? If one assume that I am a mute, others will soon come to that conclusion also. By the time everyone is convinced that I am mute, they will then assume that I am stupid.

As if those assumption weren't harsh enough already, I have to face whispering, snickering and worse of all being picked on. This was all because I am different from the rest of the "normal" people. All because I choose to be me.

"Why aren't you fighting back or begging for mercy?!?" Minhee, the girl who just loves to see me in misery ask in a disgusting attitude. Sometimes I wonder what guys at our school find so attractive about her.

"Oh. How stupid of you...did you forget? She doesn't talk." Hana smirk while playfully walking over to push her friend's shoulder.

I could take a blow and a couple of insults but right now, my body was burning as if it was set on fire. Last thing I remember was being cornered in the girl's locker room and POOF!! Here I am. In the off limit area of the river, getting beaten up to death.

I find it very funny that they chose ME to play with, considering that I try my best to hide in the background and steer clear of their way. I have never done anything to insult any one of them but let's just say that people like them don't have a reason for the things they do.

After a couple more blow from each of the girls, they let out a satisfy sigh and giggle towards the three guys. One of them was Jeon Jungkook...someone I use to admire and the other two was Hoon and Jihoo, my classmates.

All four of them walk past me and spat as if I was a piece of trash just lying on the ground. But I would have prefer that than what Jungkook did. Minhee's arm was wrap around Jungkook's body as if she owned it and very quickly, he gave me a look. A look of pity as if he should have done something about tonight to prevent this from happening. To prevent the pain afflicted on me by his girlfriend and his friends.

I try to ignore the look he just gave me and try my best to just focus on the ache of wanting some painkillers right now. Focusing my blurred vision onto the starry sky above me, I let my finger dip into the chilly river water.

A drop of tear ran down the side of my face as I lay there, smiling at the pitiful person I have become. My mom left me two years ago. She isn't dead. She just couldn't handle being made fun of for having a daughter who couldn't talk. And as for my dad, he hardly ever is home but I know that he loves me more than anything in the world.

Even knowing that I am loved, I somehow wanted more. It just won't happen. No matter how much I pray and beg on my knees. It won't ever happen. Period.

I was so lost in my own thought and pretty much the beauty of the night sky that I didn't even realize a shooting star just past my eyes. And by the time I do realize it, like a hopeful little child, I shut my eyes tight and made a wish.

After what seem like the hundredth time repeating my wish over and over, I open my eyes to see this bright reddish orange ball heading towards me. It was small but grew in size within seconds. Worst of all, it was falling from the sky which only means one thing. A meteor falling to Earth.

Attempting to sit up and run was my first mistake and by the time I came up with a new idea to get out of the way, it was a bit too late already. It grew in size as I laid there, waiting for my undeniable death.

I waited and waited with tightly shut eyes and close fist but no impact or loud crashing noises came. Only a peaceful melody of crickets and the rush of the water. Slowly opening one eye at a time, I realize that there was nothing in the sky besides the old ordinary stars.

What? Where did it go? I guess they just kicked me in the head too hard this time.

Wincing in pain as I turn to my comfortable side, I catch sight of a little plush doll laying next to me. It had on a box smile with its eyes shut in a frowning position. It was dress in a t-shirt that simply said V. Yep...just the letter V.

Not sure what to do with it, I grab it by its oversize head with br hair and fix it up to make it look cleaner. I lay there, staring at it. Wondering who would abandon such a cute little doll like this.

Are you just like me? Unwanted...?

I lay there until my eyelids threaten to close on me but still I remain there. If I am found dead in the would just be my luck. Not caring about what will happen to me, I doze off with the doll tightly clutch to my chest.

"Good night." I mumble as I gave a soft peck to its box smile.

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