1. new friends

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"Dear Jonas

How are you? How's Italy? Have you met some interesting people yet? I want to know everything. So please write all your stories down in your next letter so I can read it from A to Z.

Here's everything alright. Just as normal as always. If you can call Liene's crazy behavior normal of course.

Oh, almost forgot to ask about your studies. Is everything going well? You're probably the smartest of the whole college there. I love you, my smart big brother. I hope you know how much I miss you.

Good luck and have fun in Italy!

Kisses from (a little bit jealous) Aline"

My brother was in Italy for over half a year now. I missed him very much. But I knew that it was important for him. He studies languages. And Italian was his favourite one. That's why he wanted to study for a year in Italy. I was a little bit jealous because of the fact that Italy was so beautiful and they have very delicious ice cream, they say. I've never been there. But I really want to. It's on my to do list. Definitely on top of it! Luckily we are planning to go there. My parents are as excited as I am. Probably more because of the fact they really want to see their son. But me, I want to see Italy just as much as I want to see my brother.

one week later

"Dearest Aline, sweet sister of mine

I'm alright. Italy is still as beautiful as I said in the last letter. Why do you keep asking that question every week?

So, I read you expect me to write you a diary? Although your own letter was very short (and I forgive you about that), I will try my best to write everything down about last week."

The letter went on and on. I read everything about his adventures while I sat on the trampoline in the backyard. The sun shining brightly on my skin. Musti came lying next to me.

"Meow" I said, in the hope she would understand anything in it and would answer me. Instead, she came sitting in my lap. "Do you want to finish reading Jonas' letter with me?" I asked her.

"...Yesterday I made some new friends. They sing in a music group. At first I thought it wasn't really what I wanted to listen to, but they are really talented. You should search them on the internet! 'Il Volo', that's how they call themselves. They are really cool and friendly.

Okay, I hope that was enough for you to read for at least a month. See you (I mean, write you) next time!

Ciao, Jonas"

I immediately ran inside and opened the internet to find something more about that group. Mostly my brother and I don't like the same music. But he said, this wasn't his style of music so maybe it was my style.

I was amazed by what I found. Every song I listened to was so incredibly beautiful.

Since that day, I was an Ilvolover. There wasn't a minute that went by without thinking about them. I loved Italy even more than before. And the funny thing was, I had never been there before. But for sure, it was the most beautiful place on earth. Especially when you were in the neighborhood of Il Volo. I fell in love with their songs, the language (which I was studying for over a month already), their personalities, their looks, the lyrics, the music, Ignazio Boschetto, Piero Barone and of course Gianluca Ginoble!

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