40. kiss me

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We stopped dancing but kept looking in each other's eyes. I was wondering what his second proof would be so I couldn't think about where to move my feet to act like I was dancing. Gianluca's mind was also somewhere else but dancing. He smiled and then he leaned in again, to my surprise not to say something. He gave me a long kiss on my lips. I had not only stopped moving, I almost thought my heart stopped beating as well. That kiss came quicker than I expected.

"You didn't refuse," Gianluca said, "so you still love me." The only thing I did was kissing him again. Because after that one kiss I realized even more how much I missed that.

"Wooow" I heard someone shout behind us. It was Liene, that very enthusiastic sister of me. It made me laugh during my next kiss to Gianluca. And that made him laugh. I looked into his eyes, which were smiling as well and I knew this was what I had to keep for the rest of my life. I only didn't know how I was going to do that. "Gianluca?" I said in between our kisses. He looked at me with his brown eyes twinkling like never before. "Principessa?"

"Only two and a half moths!" I said. "And then...I am free!" His smile only became bigger again. And I was so happy that it was because of me. Only me.

"Do you want to come to Italy then?" he asked curious, hoping I would say yes of course.

"Yes!" I said powerfull, like I was sure it was definitely going to happen, me moving to Italy but I was still not sure it was that easy for me.

"So that means..."

"...we are a couple again!" I finished his sentence.

"Oooh, you make me sooo happy!" he said and he lifted me in the air like we were doing some very professional dance. Then we only danced, my head on his shoulder, until the music was more upbeat and we shaked the stress from the previous years out of our bodies. I never saw Gianluca like that. He had never been so happy I think. Piero thought that as well because when he met me on the dancefloor he leaned in and said "thank you so much! You changed Gianluca again! He has never been so happy in his entire life. You saved him!"

"He saved me!" I responded and after that I looked to Gianluca again, who was smiling very proud to me. "You're my princes!"

"Per sempre!" I added.

"Voor altijd!" he said to my surprise. "Whaaat! You learnt some Dutch words!?" I laughed. Even after not being together for over two years he learnt some Dutch. So I think, the whole time, he was busy with thinking about me and doing stuff related to me, like learning my real language.

"Pour toujours!" I said in French.

"Forever!" he said in a singing voice.

"Für immer!" I said in with a German accent.

"Para siempre!" That was Spanish.

"I'm sorry! I quit," I laughed. "I don't know any more languages."

"2-1 for team Gianluca!" he said happy and after our little game we danced again until the morning. Until I walked with him to HIS hotel room and not mine! "Kiss me!" I ordered him on the way back.

"At your service la mia principessa!" And he stopped walking in the middle of the street, kissing me passionately.

"When I'm back home, I'm gonna wear the medallion  you gave me almost three years ago! But now, kiss me again!" He did what I said. But it was not like he didn't want it. So we were both happy with it. "And I'm gonna tell everyone you are my girlfriend! No more 'she's just a friend' talks."

"You can't believe how happy that makes me!" As a reward I kissed him again. So everyone was going to know for real now, that I was with Gianluca Ginoble. But I was not going to tell anyone at university. Because I asked Gianluca to come to my graduation in June and he agreed and so everyone would see it at that moment. And all the people who didn't believe me, basically everyone, were going to be shocked.

"How long do you stay?" Gianluca asked. He probably wanted me to stay as long as possible but I knew we were going home in the afternoon already. The time wasn't right anymore. It was almost morning and we had to go to sleep. So when I would wake up, I probably had to get ready to go home. "Saturday afternoon, so that's today actually, I have to go already!" He put a frown on his face. "I know, it's not long, but we see each other again very soon this time! I mean, two months is longer than the times we had to wait more than two years ago to see each other again, but after this time I will stay forever! I promise." I was truly hoping I could keep that promise, this was not one to joke about. "I hope so!" he said a bit sad, what made it obvious he had his doubts about it too.

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