If One Falls, They All Do (Short story)

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Allen C. Jones was getting irritated. Everyone at the 2p World Meeting was just arguing. The current argument you ask? Taking down the 1p Axis.

Allen finally snapped and took out his gun, aiming it and shooting a bullet between all the arguing 2p nations. "All of you shut the hell up!" He snarls, which grabbed their attention. Allen smirked slightly, "I have a plan, instead of wondering how we're going to kill all of them, why don't we think about how we're going to kill one of them? Its far easier and with how closely knit they are, they'll kill themselves at the lost of their friend. Or they'll die of a broken heart. Either way, their gone. If one falls, they all do."

Everyone stared at Allen before mumbling things like 'good idea.' and nodding.

Felicano Vargas was out picking flowers in the field he and William used to visit all the time. He sighed quietly to himself, "I miss him..." he mumbles. Feli looked up when he heard noise coming from a nearby bush. He  frowned and walked over to it, giggling quietly when he found a bunny.

"Hey, wait up..." The redhead whined when the bunny hopped off. He gasped and struggled when someone grabbed him and covered his mouth. Then...


Feli fell to his knees before falling over on his side, a pool of blood oozing out of his head. At least he was with William again...

A few months later, things had been rough. Ludwig blamed himself for not watching Feli and committed suicide. And Kiku was so depressed he hadn't eaten which eventually lead to him dying of starvation. And Feli's older brother Romano died of depressant drugs over douse. And Gilbert... he had had enough. His best friends and little brother were dead, what was the point of sticking around anymore?! He grabbed his knife off of his table and punged it into his heart, he fell to the ground with a thud. Elizabeta ran into Gilbert's room, having heard the thud. When she saw Gilbert's lifeless body, her hands started shaking, she tried to call for Roderich but her voice was too squeaky and quiet to be heard. Gilbert, Elizabeta's childhood friend, her war buddy, her practical brother... he's dead.

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