Alois' Note to Hope

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Before Alois's soul vanished, he wrote a note to Hope and requested Hannah to make sure Hope got it, one way or another, this is what it said:

'Dear Hope,

I know you might be a little confused as to how the devil a dead person can send you a letter. It's quite simple, my soul hasn't vanished yet. Anyway, I'd just like to say sorry for leaving you all alone in the first place. I wasn't expecting Claude to kill me, but I shouldn't be too surprised. I'm dreadfully sorry this will be the last you ever hear from me. But, I'd just like so say... Hope, your my best friend. I swear your probably the one thing that kept me going for the longest time. Hanging out with you, I felt like I was a normal fourteen year old boy. Promise me one thing though, when you think about me, don't think about the fact that I'm dead, think about all the fun we had. Like skipping in circles until we were both dizzy. Or all the times we stared at the sky, watching clouds pass by. Or all the times we just simply cuddled up together.
With Love, Your Best Friend,
Alois Trancy.'

Hope always carries the note with her in a pocket.

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