Hetalia Moments That Made me Cry

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Ok, this is just a list of the top ten Hetalia moments (Fanon and canon and all that stuff) that made me cry.. cause I got bored and watched a similar list

10. William's death. Ok, who DIDN'T cry during this? I mean, we all knew William was going to die, but it just hit our feels too much! Did you not see the hurt on Feli's face when he left for war!?

9. Hetalia "Come Back to Me" Cosplay video on YouTube. Not only in this video do you see Feli DIE. But you also see the hurt that not only his BEST FRIEND (Ludwig) went though, but when Romano broke down in front of Feli's grave and Roderich tried to comfort him... That was a lot of feels in one video.

8. A freaking picture I found where Ludwig is hugging Feli while Feli bleed to death, and Ludwig is fucking sobbing.

7. The Revolutionary War episode. That one line "You are NOT my brother (father according to the fandom) anymore!" and "I remembered when you were great..." Then Arthur left to freaking cry in the rain!

6. Romano's sad moment. Anyone else remember the time Romano ran away when he was little and was actually crying about how his little brother was better then him? Not only in this moment did you see that Romano isn't just a jerk, but you see that he's really hurting deep down.

5. Kiku's tour of Italy. I just was laughing so hard I was crying...

4. Arthur's mental break down in the bar about how Alfred doesn't care anymore. It made me laugh until I thought about it...

3.  HetaOni cosplay video "Fix You"...

2. "No One Notices Your Brand New T-Shirt" for Matthew.

1. HetaOni. This is the most fucked up thing in the fandom. Feli traveled from a future where only he survived the mansion, and he goes back to get his friends out as well. But he fails and has to watch them die over, and over again... then don't even get me started on when Feli actually died and Ludwig and Romano just broke right then and there! Then how Arthur went back to save Feli, but lost his eyesight... and then when Kiku was bleeding to death, his blood staining the white piano he was leaning against... and Yao fucking broke, then how Feli became a mute in one of the time loops, and Gilbert went deaf in one. And how Matthew and Arthur died and Alfred stayed beside their bodies, later dying in the same spot. Seeming he was holding both of their hands and had claimed "I want to stay with them, after all... They both meant so much to me..." Then how all failed in the end and everyone DIED.

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