Awesome Boss (Short Story)

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Seven year old Gilbert peered around the corner of the hall, holding Ludwig. The two of them were currently playing a game of hide and seek with Gilbert's boss. And so far, they were winning.

They heard footsteps getting closer and closer. Gilbert hugged Ludwig tightly, hoping Fritz wouldn't find them.

"Now, where could they be?" Fritz looked around with a smile, he knew the boys were right behind the corner. He checked a few silly places like under a vase of flowers. He heart two fits of giggles from behind him. He turned around and saw the two boys. He grinned, scooping Ludwig and Gilbert up in his arms, making the two boys squeak.

"Found you!" Fritz grinned at them, giving them both a kiss on the top of the head, making them giggle.


Unawesomely, bedtime soon had come. Fritz was tucking the two in when he heard Gilbert tiredly ask:


Fritz chuckled at the nickname. "Ja Gilly?"

"C-can you read us a bed time story?"

Fritz chuckled and nodded.

"Yay!" Gilbert grinned. "Your awesome Fritzy!"

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