Just a Kid (Short Story)

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"Earl Phantomhive, when are you going to release the new products?"

"Are you going to be present for the opening of the new factory?"

"Would you be ever so kind as to put a loan into my company?"

"Workers in the London factory are requesting a higher pay, can you deliver?"

Ciel stared straight ahead as these questions (and many others) bombarded him. He tried to reply to one or two questions, yet all that came out were stutters. What made him think scheduling so many meetings today was such a smart idea? Oh yeah, because his schedule for the rest of the week was booked.

"Please pardon me," Ciel's voice was quiet as he lightly pushed past the visitors. He walked out of the room and down the hallway. When he got to his study, he closed and locked the door. He slid down the door and hugged his knees. He shook slightly, as all the questions at once were so overwhelming. It was hard enough being the head of his family at such a young age, but also having to deal with his company and balance that with his duties sometimes got a little much.

After all, as much as he hated to admit it, he was just a kid.

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