Hurting (Short Story)

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Luci stumbled into his room, quickly closing and locking the door. He walked to his bathroom, looking in the mirror.

He cringed slightly at his appearance, black eye, bloody nose. Nothing new.

"Stupid Lutz." Luci hissed under his breath. He walked over to the cabinet, getting a washcloth. When he turned around, he saw the sadistic German standing in front of him. He quickly closed his eyes, shaking his head, when he opened his eyes. Lutz was gone

Just seeing things...

Luci washed the blood off of his nose. He used some makeup to cover up his black eye,

Lutz would kill everyone if I let them see what he did to me...

Luci finished, leaning against the bathroom door. He brought he's knees to his chest and began to sob quietly, starting to let it out.

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