Pref: You're On Your Period

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You are having a lazy day after a long night. Luke is still asleep next to you, you glance at the clock. Its 11:32am. You sit up and get ready to climb out of bed before you glance down at your shorts and notice a red patch. Fuck.

You look at Luke, he's heavily asleep so you creep into your bathroom, grabbing a clean pair of panties and shorts on the way there and you sort yourself out before hearing Luke shift around in bed.


"Hey sorry, I needed to pee." You smile before climbing back into bed with Luke.


"Y/N OOOHHHH Y/N!!" Michael sings as he closes the door to your apartment.

"In here!" You yell from the bedroom where you are curled up with lots of pillows watching reruns of Glee.

"Hey baby girl," Michael smiles at you as he drops his bag on the floor and kicks off his shoes. He's wearing his usual skinny jeans and a ripped t-shirt.

"You look chill." He comments as his eyes rake over your sweatpants and one of Michael's baggy band t-shirts.

"Yeah, I feel like shit." You lift up your shirt to indicate to the hot water bottle which is shoved halfway down your sweats, right on your pelvis.

"Is it your girly time?" Michael sighs as he flops onto the bed. You nod and he rolls over to kiss you before asking:

"So how many days until we can have sex again?"


"Hello?" Calum answers on the third ring.

"Hey Cal, I know you're gonna hate me but please can you pick up some tampons/ pads (idk what you guys use) for me on your way back from the studio?"

You hear silence on the end of the line and you check in case he has hung up. It's still connected.


"Yep Y/N! I got the memo I'm just deciding a way for you to pay me back for this embarrassing trip to the pharmacy."


Ashton's lips crawl up your neck, sucking and nipping at the skin as he makes his way to your lips. Your hands are tangled in his brown curls, pulling his head closer to your body. Ashton kisses your mouth, his tongue immediately demanding for entrance. Ashton's hips grind down on yours and he slowly moves his fingers down to your shirt, inching it up your chest.

You pull away from the kiss.

"Uh Ashton?"

"Hmm?" He asks as he attacks your neck again.

"We can't, ummm, I'm kinda on my period." You glance down and Ashton pauses before pulling away from you.

"It's okay, ummm do you wanna watch a movie?"


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