Preference: His Girlfriend is a Bitch

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There may be a part 2 but I need 10 votes and some comments :) - L


You're sitting at the boys' house with Ashton messing around in the pool when Luke comes back. You've been crushing on Luke since before you met 5SOS, him being the awkward, gangly one which was so adorable. You fell for his deep blue eyes and his lip bites but he never viewed you as more than a friend or sister. This really upset you but you decided you preferred to be friends than nothing at all.

"Hey what's up guys?" Luke strolls is with a gorgeous blonde in tow.

"This is my girlfriend Clarice." Luke introduces the blonde and you try to suppress the crushing feeling in your chest when Luke said that this model like girl was his girlfriend. You were nothing compared to her, in your blue bikini and denim shorts you were average size with brown hair and green eyes.

Luke introduces you and you stick out your hand for Clarice to shake which she gladly accepts and smiles widely. This makes you feel worse, at least if she was mean you could have a reason to hate her beside the fact that she is dating the one person your heart wants.

"Hi," you smile trying to cover up the aching in your chest. Luke walks inside to get towels and leaves Clarice outside with you and Ashton.

Ashton scrolls through his phone, trying not to be in the conversation as Clarice bends over you.

"Just to let you know, Luke's mine you fat bitch, you do anything to take him anyway from and me and I will kill you." She says before Luke returns and she plasters that fake smile on her face.

"You alright babe?" Luke kisses Clarice's cheek.

"Yeah I'm good, Y/N and I were just discussing how nice your house is." She giggles and flicks her hair over her should before peeling off her t-shirt to reveal a magazine like body. Tanned and toned to perfection. You glance down at your not to toned belly and try to think about the positives with you. You have 2 arms and 2 legs. A face, hair, nice skin colour. But you look at Clarice again and all your confidence is lost as she pushes up her boobs in her tight bikini, they're practically spilling out already.

You swallow and glance at Ashton, knowing he's heard every word that came out of Clarice's mouth. He knows your self confidence isn't exactly high and Clarice's words just pushed you don't completely. He bites his lip and you get up and run into the house, but not before Luke notices the tears.


You sat in the café, twiddling your thumbs as you waited for Calum to arrive with his girlfriend. You'd been best friends with Calum since you can remember and many girls have thrown themselves at him. Since he became a member of a record breaking band, girls literally swooned for his attention. Calum was grounded and tended to brush it off but he was smitten by this one girl. You'd seen pictures of them together and she looked nice enough but Calum wanted you two to meet in person.

"Y/N!" Calum screams as he enters to the tiny coffee shop and he drops his girlfriend's hand before scooping you up and hugging you tight. You wrap your legs around his waist and arms round his neck whilst burying your face in the crook of his neck, inhaling the scent of your best friend. You hear a throat clearing behind and Calum puts you down before smiling sheepishly.

"Y/N this is Ally, she's my girlfriend as you know." You put your hand out but Ally pulls you close and hugs you. You smile, feeling better that it wasn't awkward with her. Calum gestures for you to sit down and announces that he's gonna go and get some coffee. He takes Ally's order and leaves you together to chat.

"Look Y/N, I wanna get this straight. You're not exactly what I'd call pretty or cute so I don't get why Calum likes you so much. You need to stay out of the picture while I'm with Calum. Otherwise it looks like I can't hold my boy and you're a slut. Now we wouldn't want that would we?" Ally smirks condescendingly and your blood boils. Not only has she just bluntly insulted you, she then tells you to stay away from your own fucking best friend!

Before you know it, your chair is pushed back and your palm is across Ally's cheek. You don't even bother to see Calum's reaction, you just grab your bag and march out of the coffee shop.


You are trying on some new shoes you just bought and strutting around 5SOS' house while Michael was out. The other boys are sitting on the sofa, watching you and whistling jokily while you strike poses. They clap and laugh like you're on a catwalk.

Suddenly the front door opens and Michael walks in, hand in hand with a cute girl in tow. You've always had a crush on Michael but you never wanted to tell him because you thought he deserved better than you. All the other boys knew and it was so obvious but not to Michael.

"Guys, this is Bailey, my new girlfriend!" Michael smiles and Bailey winks at Ashton. What a slut.

You strut over in your shoes and she looks at you like you're a piece of meat.

"What the fuck are you wearing? Seriously?" She says and your jaw drops to the floor. You're in a pair of black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt with your new black heels.

Michael laughs and grabs Bailey's hand before pulling her into his bedroom. When the door closes all the boys turn and rush to comfort you.

"That was so out of order."

"She's a bitch Y/N, don't let her get you down."

"Why the fuck is Michael dating her?"

Luke came to hug you but you pushed him away, you kicked off your heels and ran out of the front door in bare feet, tears streaming down your face.


You hear your ringtone and practically fly down your stairs to pick up your phone.

Ashton Irwin wants to FaceTime.

You grin like an idiot and press accept, Ashton's smiling happily and you sigh as his gorgeous face comes into focus.

"Y/N! How are you?" Ashton grins and you sit down on the sofa. Ashton tended to call you every night just to check how you were because you got down a lot and needed someone.

"I've been really good today thank you! You?"

Ashton's grin gets bigger and he looks away from the camera.

"I have something to tell you Y/N." Your heart skips about 100 beats and you think this is really it. Ashton is going to confess how he feels about you and reciprocate your untainted love for him.

A tall dark haired girl comes into view and your heart flops completely.

"Y/N, this is Ella." Ashton grins and pulls her down to sit by him whilst wrapping his harm around her waist and kissing her temple. Your heart crumples up like someone who had scrunched up a piece of useless paper. You don't say anything and your mouth just moves soundlessly like a goldfish. They look happy, cute and you can see everyone shipping them together already.

"Ash, when you said she was awkward, I didn't think you meant this awkward." She laughs and your chest heaves. Ashton knows you aren't confident with new people but you've been trying hard for him to please him. You click end on the FaceTime as Ash laughs with Ella. The tears are already sliding down your cheeks as you thrown the phone across the room.

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