Tow truck (Ashton Irwin)

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You're on the way to your friend's party, chugging along the highway in your old beat up Chevvy. You wonder why the hell you're going to the party anyway, you'd just end up getting drunk and letting some guy have his way with you so you could forget about all the heartache and grief. No one could replace your ex, even if he had cheated on you.

Suddenly, your car begins to splutter and you groan. Damn second hand cars from greasy car dealers.

"No, no, no come on baby," you try and coax the car into taking you the last few miles to the party. You're about 10 miles from the house, too far to walk in the dark. You slump back in your seat as the car gives out one last chug and stops.

You grab your phone and call a tow service, they tell you they'll send someone out and they'll be there in 15 minutes.

You sigh and text your friend, telling her that your car's broken down so most likely you won't make the party after getting your car towed and then waiting for it to be fixed. Its already 11pm anyway, you're kind of surprised they agreed to send someone out in the first place.

You see the headlights of the tow truck in the mirror and you hop out of your vehicle as it comes to halt in fron of your car.

A tall, honey coloured boy hops out of the truck. He's wearing navy overalls and a red bandana to push his curls off his face. Damn, he's hot.

"Hi, sorry to drag you out here so late, but my car's just bust." You explain whilst trying to ignore the throbbing between your thighs.

"Nah, it's alright, I'm nocturnal. I'm Ashton by the way." He smiles and you can feel your panties getting damper by the minute. You introduce yourself before resting on the side of your car. The night is warm and Ashton pops the bonnet to have a look inside.

"Damn, there's not much I can do here, the engine is burnt out and by the looks of it, this baby is very old and probably needs a new engine. I can fix her up back at the shop but we'll have to tow her," he begins to fumble around under the hood before standing up straight and rubbing his forehead with the back of his hand.

"I'll just see if there's anything I can do for her now..." He trails off before delving back into your car's bonnet. He grunts a bit and you lean back on the car, trying not to make it obvious that you're watching him.

"It's hot tonight." Ashton comments and he peels off the top half of his overalls before tying the sleeves around his waist. He is wearing a white tank top underneath with some kind of indie band logo on the front. He leans in again and you can't help but notice the way his biceps flex as he works. Fuck, you are practically drooling at this guy who youve known for less than an hour.

"I'll just attach her to the truck then we can tow her back to the shop." Ashton slams the bonnet down and you nod. You begin to climb into the tow truck and you hear Ashton suck in his breath as you bend over, exposing the pink thong you're wearing under your black mini skirt.

You blush, feeling embarrassed before Ashton slides in beside you. He starts the engine and rolls down the windows.

"So, where were you headed tonight?"

"I was going to a party down town but now I guess not." You shrug.

"Meeting someone?" You shake your head, usually you met up with your ex but that was before he became an asshole.

You try to keep your eyes focused out the window, on the city which is whoosing past. You sneak a look at Ashton, he's biting his lip before glancing at your bare thigh. You can feel the sexual tension in the car and you're surprised Ashton can't smell your arousal, it's practically rolling off you.

Ashton stops the truck outside the shop. You unclench your thighs which you'd been holding together in order to try and surpress the ache in between your legs. God damnit, no one usually ever made you feel this way in such a short amount of time. Ashton climbs out of the truck and you slide out too.

A bald man comes out of the shop before handing you a clipboard.

"I'm actually leaving now but if you can fill this in and leave it on the desk we can sort out payment tomorrow morning." The man hands you the clipboard befe saying goodbye to Ashton, climbing into his car and driving away. It is just you and Ashton now.

"So, are you going to-" You're cut off by Ashton's lips crashing into yours. You quickly recover and kiss him back, your lips molding to the shape of his soft ones. Ashton's hands snake around your waist, pulling your body flush against his. You can feel his hard on through he jeans. His tongue plunges into your mouth before fighting with yours. You groan and weave your hands through his curly hair.

Ashton pulls away before lifting you up onto your car bonnet.

"Fuck, I really needed to do that." He gasps and you reconnect your lips with his. You push your chest up against his and he moans. You wrap your legs around Ashton's hips as he stands in between them. His hands trail down the length of your torso before slipping under your skirt. You gasp at the contact of Ashton's cold fingers against your dripping heat,

"You're so fucking wet. Is this all for me?" You moan at his words as he kisses your neck, sucking the skin and creating a hickey. His fingers slowly pull down your thong before chucking it somewhere in the garage. Slowly, he plunges one digit inside you. You moan again and pull at his hair, earning a grunt from Ashton. He begins to pull his fingers out before thrusting them in again, finger fucking you.

"You like this baby?" Ashton whispers and you just moan in response. Its been too long that someone has teased you this way, usually guys skipped foreplay and just fucked you, not caring whether you are pleasured or not. But Ashton is making sure you feel every ounce of pleasure.

He brings his fingers out of you and you pout at the loss. He laughs before bending down and kissing up your thighs, heading north.

"I could practically smell you in the truck and it took all my effort not to pull over and fuck you there and then." You whimper as Ashton's hot breath hits your core.

He kisses your centre before trailing his tongue along it. You are so frustrated, this is not fair.

"Just fuck me Ashton, god damn it!" You demand and he chuckles, sending vibrations through you.

"Okay baby," Ashton quickly slips off his overalls before revealing his hard on which is pocking through his boxers. You bite your lipl in anticipation.

He leans in and kisses you once more, pulling your bottom lip with his teeth before disposing of his boxers and pushing into you. Ashton uses his hands to push your lower back closer to him, he hits you at a deeper angle before thrusting in and out, building up a pace.

You begin to feel that familar knot in your lower belly, you look up and notice some of Ashton's hair has come lose from his bandana as he leans over you, pounding into you harder and harder.

"I'm close," you inform Ashton and he nods, signalling that he is too. You clench yourself around him and this is his undoing. He releases into you and this pushes you over the edge. You come and white spots cloud your vision as you enter a state of euphoria.

Ashton pulls out of you and kisses your nose.

"Okay, I know I'm doing this a bit backward but would you wanna go on a date with me sometime?" You giggle before pulling down your skirt and sliding off the car.

"Sure," You smile before saying:

"Ashton, where the fuck did you throw my panties?"

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