Preference: He Makes You Insecure

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I don't know if you guys actually like these preferences so please vote and comment if you do or if you prefer the imagines?- L


You're messing around with the guys, running around and joking with them on one of their rare days off. Calum decides that you should have a piggy back race. You jump on Ashton's back and he grunts.

"Jeez, Y/N how many cupcakes did you eat?" Your faces drops as Ashton's comment hits a nerve. He never usually says anything about your weight as you are really insecure about it. You've gone from obese to anorexic and now a little chunkier again.

You slide off Ashton's back and walk away, trying to cover up the tears that are now sliding down your cheeks.

"Babe, where you off to?" Calum calls, using his nickname for you. You shake your head and walk towards the bathroom before slamming the door and locking it. You lean against the door before sliding your back down and hitting the floor.

The tears are coming hot and fast now, trickling down your cheeks and wetting your t-shirt. Your breathing is erractic and a sob escapes your mouth. You hear footsteps and voices, you place one hand over your mouth, trying to quieten yourself so you can overhear what is being said outside.

"What did you say to her?' Calum asks, sounding angry. He was always protective over you, like the brother you never had.

"I didn't, I mean, I joked about her weight..." Ashton trails off and you can basically hear his braining clicking.

"Fuck, Calum what did I do?" Ash sounds angry with himself.

"You're a fucking idiot, you know that right?" Calum growls before knocking on the bathroom door.

"Babe, Y/N you in there love?"

"No, fuck off." You growl and you hear Calum sigh. Footsteps recede and you try to calm down your breathing. A loud hiccup escapes your mouth and starts you off again. You glance down at your stomach which overlaps over your jeans and you despair.

"Baby, please don't cry. you're so perfect and I was only joking, you know I'd never actually mean something like that. Please unlock the door babe." Ashton pleads but you're stubborn and you stay where you are. You hear some movement and then the lock on the door clicks open. You get up off the floor and turn to see Ashton poking his head around the door. Trust Ashton to break the lock on the bathroom.

"I'm so so sorry baby," he gathers you up into his arms and kisses all over your face.

'You're an asshole Irwin," you mumble and he hugs you tighter.

"I know Y/N, and I'll spend the rest of tonight showing you how sorry I am." He winks before lifting you up, bridal style and carrying you into the bedroom.


"Babe? God, how long do you take to do your makeup?" You look at Luke's face in the bathroom mirror's reflection. He looks gorgeous, with his hair slicked back off his face and a black ring in his lip. You are actually really excited to finally see The 1975 live and Luke's gig attrire is so hot.

"Beauty takes time," you smirk and he wraps his arms around your waist.

"Why do you plaster this crap on your face? Like yeah, you have blemishes but so does everyone." He picks up a tube of foundation from the sink. Luke comment stings and you push him off you.

"What? I'm telling the truth." He shrugs and you turn around.

"Yeah well you didn't have to put it like that Luke." You scowl. You'd suffered from acne when you were a teenager so you had some scarring on your face which you always covered up with some foundation and concealer.

"Why don't you just go and find someone who is fucking perfect without blemishes then." You fling down your concealer stick and stalk out of the bathroom, Luke in tow. You're furious that Luke has the nerve to say that.

"Babe, look you know I didn't mean it like that." Luke sighs and reaches for your wrist. You pull away and suddenly you're spun around and pinned up against the wall. Luke's lips attack your neck and you wriggle out of his grasp, trying not to show him how much you are enjoying his lips on you.

He pins you down with his hips as you fight against him. But your treacherous body betrays you because you relax as his kisses you.

"I am sorry baby, you know I'd never change any bit of you and I'd never, ever leave you for anyone."

"Even Mila Kunis?" You grin, his lips curl into a smile and his dimple pops out.

"Even Mila Kunis."


You gaze at yourself in the mirror wondering whether the dress is a good idea. Its short, not too short but risky and it is quite low cut but for the first time you're feeling confident about your body.

"Y/N come on! We're gonna be late at this rate!" You hear Michael call up and you quickly grab your jacket before walking out of your bedroom. As you come down the stairs you see Michael's eyebrows shoot up.

"No way is that appropriate babe, sorry but go and change." You pout, tyring to persuade Michael otherwise but he only frowns and shakes his head.

"I can see your thighs and its not a sight I want anyone to see." You quickly turn and sprint upstairs, feeling utterly flattened by Michael's mean comment.

"Y/N?" You try and slam your bedroom door before he sees your tears but Michael puts his foot in the way and you spin around, completely frustrated.

"Look, baby, that came out wrong."

"I don't give a fuck. It hurt all the same." You don't let him see your face as the tears fall. You cross your arms over your chest and you feel Michael's fingers brush your hair away from your neck.

"You know, I meant that no one is allowed to see your thighs but me, because damn baby, I could eat you in that dress." He whispers, his lips close to your ear. His warm breath is tickling your skin and you try not to shiver at his words.

You turn to face him and reach up to pull his neck towards you, connecting your lips with his. Michael's arms hold your waist and lower back as he walks you backwards until your knees hit the edge of the bed, pushing you back.

"Fuck that date, I can't wait any longer." And with Michael peels off your dress and chucks it on the floor before reconnecting his lips to yours.


You changed your Twitter icon to a picture of you and Calum and his fans have been flooding you with compliments of how pretty you look and how cute you two are.

You're scrolling through your phone, retweeting and favouriting people's cute tweets, ignoring the hate before Calum looks over.

"Uh that picture isn't the best babe." You frown and look at Calum, he looks good in every photo for God's sakes.

"Why? What's wrong with it?"

"Umm, you just look a little bigger than you do in real life." You gape at Calum, trying to process what he just said. You look at the picture again and analyse your body. Yes, maybe your stomach did look a little bigger than usual and the jeans you were wearing weren't the most flattering but what Calum said hurt a lot more than it should have.

You got up off the bed and walked into the bathroom.

"Y/N, I'm sorry okay?" Calum's voice pleaded after 20 minutes of you being in the bathroom.

"No, Calum you're not sorry otherwise you wouldn't have said that in the first place." You say calmly, you're just disappointed that Calum said something so hurtful.

"Baby, please, I'll make it up to you, I promise. You're gorgeous and I totally agree with those girls telling you how beautiful you are, you mean everything to me."

You sigh and swing open the bathroom door.

"It's been one too many sorrys Calum." You quickly pack and a bag and ignore Calum's pleads as you walk out to your car before driving away.


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