Chapter 26

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Lexi POV
What the actual heck.

I rolled over to check the time: 3:23 AM. I was breathing heavily and crying and I had no idea why. I mean obviously I had a nightmare, but I had literally no clue what it was about.

As my eyes searched the room, I saw Emmy sleeping on a couch with her feet propped up on the coffee table, Elaine was curled up on the floor in front of the TV, and Killian - who had shown up around eleven claiming his video games dumped him - was sitting next to her, popcorn in his hair.

When I saw Killian, I felt an odd flash of anger, and my hand subconsciously went to my stomach. And when I saw Emmy and Elaine, happy tears came to my eyes. What the hell did I dream about?!

I sort of remembered something about a baby. I think Louis Tomlinson from One Direction got some girl pregnant, but that wouldn't happen, because he's with Eleanor. Also, I think Zayn might have left, but he wouldn't do that, would he? And something about Harry Styles being dead. God, I was morbid.

Suddenly my breath caught in my throat, and I remembered why I was at Emmy's house in the first place. To forget about Him.

I couldn't place it, but that dream had left me seriously shaken up, and I knew it had something to do with him. I knew it.

So, even though it was 3:30 in the morning, I pulled out my phone. My fingers hovered over the screen for s moment before I remembered: I had written a journal entry a while ago including his number.

After finding it, I punched it into my phone again. I had to resolve this.

Me: hey... I'm sorry I didn't respond.

I wasn't expecting anything back for at least awhile, if he didn't hate me.

I went online and looked up, Zayn Malik leaves one direction

Nothing. Just a rumor or two.

Louis Tomlinson baby

Just some crappy fanfiction about a girl named Bobbi who apparently got preggers with his kid. And some dumb rumors. And that April Fool's tweet about him being a dad. But nothing real.

Harry Styles dead

Just a Tumblr blog dedicated to hating Harry Styles.

My phone buzzed, making me jump.

Him: hi.

Me: are you mad at me?

Him: why would I be mad at you?

Me: idk

Him: so...

Me: so...

Me: you like me, huh?

Him: yeah. I do.

Me: well I like you too. And I'm sorry I didn't say it. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm an idiot I'm sorry. But I can't help it. I was scared. But then I had a dream and I think you ruined my life or something but I can't remember it and... I'm kinda obsessed with you right now

I took a deep breath, then pressed send.

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