Vic Imagine (Part 2)

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Anon asked: Can you do a part 2 to your vic imagine where you guys meet on warped tour where you are doing a bryan stars interview together a year later and he asks you how you met and stuff. Thanks love

You ran your fingers through your hair as your felt vic put his arm around you. You two were currently sitting in your tour bus with your boyfriend of just under a year, Vic. You guys both decided to go back on warped tour for a second run and we're having just as much fun as the first time.
You two were about to start an interview, but not just any interview. This was a bryan stars interview which you were so exited to be doing. You'd watched his interviews before and they always seemed like a lot of fun and the fans loved them. You were waiting for the camera man to adjust his camera before you could start the interview.
"Ready when you are man." The camera man said to bryan.
"Alright, ready guys." Bryan asked you both as you gave him a thumbs up.
"Alright, in three, two, one." Right before he said one vic stole a kiss catching you off gaurd. "Hello, what's up guys, your watching bryan stars and I'm here with pierce the veil and flight of the century (your band name) so guys how is it going?" He said and pointed the mic in your direction.
"It's going great, I'm here on warped tour with my beautiful girlfriend, things are going great." His comment made you smile.
"Yeah we are so stoked to be on warped tour again. I guess it just feels like home here." You said slightly regretting your cheesy line but it was true. You loved it here.
"Awesome awesome, and how's the relationship going. I know with this one your in for some pretty crazy nights am I right."Bryan said refering to vic. You laughed at his awkward sense of humor.
" You know it bryan, I'll never forget that one magical night man." Vic replied. You loved how laid back and casual this interview was.
"So if my resources are correct you two actually met on warped tour. So how did that go?" Bryan said pointing the mic and the two of you. Vic chuckled.
"Yeah we actually met on last year's warped. I had heard of her band and watched her perform almost every day and I really wanted to meet her, and then we did and I was a fucking mess dude. Like I was stuttering everywhere and it was bad. And then the guys came and started fucking with me and telling her I was obsessed with her and stuff, which wasn't entirely untrue but hey, I didn't want her knowing that. So I'm there blushing like hell and I guess she took pitty on me or something because here we are, a year later still together." He chuckled in the last sentence and looked at you making you smile at how sweet he was.
"Yeah I was a pierce the veil fan before and meeting him was like, crazy for me." You said laughing. In all honestly that had been one of your favorite memories. And as the interview continues you keep finding yourself thinking about that memory and how much you were glad to be with Vic.

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