Tony Imagine

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thequietfuckedupone: Can you do a Tony Perry imagine where it starts with y/n looking through her Tumblr and seeing all this hate and then getting bullied at school and she goes to a PTV concert and meets Tony and he sees her fresh cuts and they become close friends and they fall for her then she tries killing herself and he finds her nearly dead? You can do whatever you want after he finds her.

you were so exited, it was like you couldn’t stop smiling. Tomorrow was the day that you finally were going to see pierce the veil in concert. It was only 6 pm and you needed to distract yourself from this or you were going to explode from happiness.

You went through your tumblr and then remembered why you had been avoiding it. Anon bullies kept messaging you. You tried not to let them get to you but you just couldn’t anymore. Your eyes started tearing up and I just closed my laptop and ran to the bathroom. You grabbed the razor that you were very familiar with. You were trying to stop this but it was really hard.


You waited in line by yourself. You didn’t care that you didn’t have friends to be with, you were just here for the music. You were in line to meet and get your album signed by the band. You were trying not to freak out from the fact that YOU WERE ABOUT TO MEET PIERCE THE VEIL!! you needed to keep some dignity so you kept yourself composed.

Before you knew it you were face to face with The band.

"Hey, what can we sign." Vic said. You were having a panic attack but you couldn’t show it because you didn’t want to look stupid.

"Ju-just this. I love you guys so much." You spilled out.

"I love you too." Vic said. You were smiling uncontrollably. and you probably looked like the biggest dork ever. You went down the line and last was Tony.

"Hey just this?" He said.

"Yea thank you so much." You said handing him the CD. Without thinking about it you let your sleeve slide up and all the old and new scars were clearly visible. before you knew it Tony’s eyes were glued to your wrist and then his eyes flickered back up to yours.

You pulled your sleeves back down as fast as you could but it was too late.

"Why would a pretty girl like you do this." Tony said. On the inside you were dying. But on the outside you had to keep composed.

"People were calling me ugly and telling me to kill myself. I’d rather not talk about it." I said looking down. I couldn’t bare to look him in the eyes.

"Here, If you need to talk to somebody or just want to talk at all, call me. Whatever I am doing, I will stop and listen." He said pulling out a piece of paper and scribbling his number on it. He handed it to me.

"Ok thank you." You said stunned. He was the first person who seemed to genuinely care.

 5 months later

You and Tony had become really close since the day at the signing. He was one of the only things you lived for. But things were a lot different. All the hate had gotten much worse and they were right. You needed to kill yourself for everyone else’s sake. You were just sort of a fuck up of life. You were not meant to be born. There is no place for you in society and nobody needs or wants you.

You took the little bottle of pills and poured them on the table. You took your time in arranging them in a straight line on the counter.

You were really going to do it. There was no reason to live anymore. You had nothing to look forward to in life. It was easier just to end it now.

"Hey Y/N, you’ve got to see this!" Tony came running in unexpectedly. He did this sometimes but this caught you completely off guard. He ran in and you began to panic.

"Hey you- whoa." He said and he saw all the pills and started connecting it in his head.

"Oh my god how many did you take!" He said his eyes getting wide.

"No-none I didn’t-"

"Oh thank god!" He said running over to you hugging you. He started crying and you started crying and you both just sat down on the kitchen floor crying into each other.

"Never ever do this! I don’t know what I would do without you! You are so much better than all this pain!" He said.

"I love you so much Y/N!" You pulled back as you realized his words. His face showed nothing but fear.

"You what?" You said.

"Ok, I am in love with you." He said looking down, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I should go-" He said getting up but you grabbed his hand.

"No! I love you too!" You said. Everything was clear now.

"You do?!" He said stunned. his eyes began to change from sadness to joy.

"Yes, I love you!" You said. He put his hand on your cheek and you melted into his touch. He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours.

this felt so right. It didn’t compare to anything else in your life. You felt like you were born to be with this man. This was the start of things getting better. You could feel it.

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