Jaime Imagine

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Could do a Jaime Preciado one where your both sleeping and you wake up because you had a nightmare and he comforts you and he sings to you (perferably one of his songs) make it all cute and fluffy? Thanks Love. I love your writing aswell :)

You woke up with tears in your eyes. Jaime had woke you up.

"Darling, what happened?" He said. His face was surprisingly calm. you wiped away your tears quickly.

"Oh just a really bad dream." You said trying to calm down. He pulled you over to him and wrapped his arms around you protectively.

"You want to tell me what happened?" He asked softly.

"it's stupid. " you replied.

"you can tell me babe. "he said looking down at you.

"Well Daniel came back and had convinced you to break up with me and he wanted to get back with me. And he was really mad that I left him and-" You stopped because the words wouldn't come out anymore without you bursting into tears. Daniel was your abusive ex-boyfriend. You finally left him because jaime showed you that it can be so much better than that. He showed you how to love. It sounds sort of cheesy but it was 100% true.

"Shh, I’m here. I’m never going to leave you, I promise. If he ever gets near you I will handle it myself. You’re mine and nobody is going to lay a hand on you." He said pulling you closer, kissing your head. He started humming I’m the secret and you started calming down and just focusing on his voice.

"I love you to much to let anyone hurt you again." He whispered kissing your head softly. you nuzzled your head into his warm chest and let yourself feel completely in bliss. 

"I love you too." You whispered as you started to drift off into sleep.

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