Vic Imagine

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Anon: Hiya! Can you please do a Vic Fuentes imagine where y/n and Vic are outside building a snowman and y/n puts snow down Vic’s jacked an it turns into a huge snow fight? Thank yew. Oh and I love your blog C:

Vic ran outside pulling you along like a little kid. The cold air hitting you like a wall.

"Look Y/N! There is so much snow!" He said excitedly before just falling on his back and just laying there. You were on tour with him and because you both lived in san diego, You didn’t get to see snow that often.

you lied down next to him and looked up at the sky.

"We should make a snow man." Vic said sitting up. He then jumped up and started rolling the first snow ball.

You got up and got a big handful of snow. You ran over to vic and put it down the back of his coat, laughing.

AHH! Y/N!” He yelped trying to get the snow out. He looked at you and you knew that he was going to get you back. You giggled and ran as fast as you could behind the tour bus.

"I’ll get you!" You heard him yell from behind you. This started a huge snowball fight. And eventually the rest of the guys came out and joined you.

You had both made snow forts that were impressively big. You had kind of made teams naturally. You had Jaime and Tony. Vic teamed up with Mike. You were all shooting snowballs at each other for a very long time.

"OK we give up!" Vic said finally, standing up. Mike kicked over their fort and ran inside probably to go try and warm up.

"Ha! We reign victorious!" Jaime shouted standing up and hugging Tony. They both kicked over our fort and ran inside.

I walked over to Vic with a proud smile. You wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Who won?" You said grinning.

"You." He said reluctantly, avoiding eye contact.

"Mmhhm." You said pecking him on the lips.

"And don’t you forget it." You said letting go of him.

"Do I at least get a participation prize?" He asked hopefully. You chuckled.

"I’ll see what I can do."

I am a little dry on requests. If you wouldn't mind sending me one that would be great==>

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