Mike Imagine

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You walked through the parking lot of the packed bar. You could hear the live music coming from the outdoor stage behind the building. Your boyfriend mike pulled your hand as he lead you behind the rest of the boys through the many parked cars crouding the parking lot

"This band is sick youre going to love it y/n." Vic mentioned in front of you. He was the one that suggested you check out the band and was pretty good friends with them.

You reached the front door which Mike opened for you giving you a smile. You returned it as he wrapped his long arm around your waist. You and the boys reached the bar where you ordered drinks with mikes arm protectively around you the whole time. He wanted everyone to know you were his. He was always so touchy and held you closer to him when there were more people around which you loved.

You leaned into him slightly and stood on your tippytoes to give him a reassuring kiss on his cheek. Placing a hand on your cheek he leaned down placing a proper kiss on your lips. "All mine" he said pulling away for only you to hear making you blush.

Once you and the boys had your drinks you weaved through the bar to the back door leading to the outdoor stage. The large croud of people headbanging and moshing to the punk music filling the warm california night air.

The 5 of you had a great time drinking and watching the band. Its not often the boys got to be in the croud for a show and you could tell they were all having a blast. The band had even invited vic onstage to do a cover of surrender by cheap trick with them.
You had long lost track of the number of shots you had downed when you excused yourself to the restroom.

Making your way back through the bar you arrived at a long poorly lit hallway that lead to the restrooms. You walked letting the door close behind you when you heard it open again. Before you could even glance at who was behind you someone grabbed both your arms and slammed you into the wall pinning you in place.

"All alone i see." The man growled in your ear. His breath smelled of cigarettes and beer. You struggled in his grip and a scream left your lips before he clamped his hand over your mouth roughly. You knew nobody would have heard you over the music. You felt completely sober all at once as your eyes widened at the man while you struggled with all of your strength to break loose from his grip.

"Ive been watching you all night clinging to that body gaurd of yours but finally i can have you to myself." He slurred sloppily in your ear. Just when you thought the need to get his slimmy hands off of you had grown as intense as it possibly could he was yanked off of you and mike was pushing him back and punching him square in the jaw sending the man to the floor. Mike leaped in between you and your attacker and lifted him up from the floor by his shirt the mans eyes wide on Mike who was sneering down at him. "If you ever come near her again youre fucking dead!" He spat out. You had never seen him this violently angry ever.

He dropped the man to the floor harshly and turned to you, his eyes seemingly black with rage. Yours with tears streaming down your face. He grabbed you and rushed out of the bar away from all the noise and people.

The second you two were through the door in the open empty parking lot he wrapped you in his arms as tightly as he could. You melted into his gentle touch crying into his chest finally processing the tramatic experience that he just saved you from. He stroked your hair and held you close comfortingly as you started to clam down.

"Are you okay love?" He asks through shaky breath. You wipe your face with your hand to look up at him. "Im fine. That was so scary. I cant even think what would have happened-" You were cut off by your own sobs. As mike pulled you back into him, his warm embrace instantly calming you.
Mikes eyes were unfocused as he tryed to find it in himself not to go back in there and let out the rest of his anger on the attacker. "Hes lucky i didnt fucking kill him. " he says through clenched teeth.

Your grip on him tightened bringing him back. He placed a soft kiss on your forehead and the two of you just stood there for a few moments catching your breath.

His hands moved, one resting on the small of your back and the other lifting up your chin to look at him. "I am never going to let anyone lay a finger on you love. I promise."he said sincerly bringing your lips up to his, him taking your bottom lip in between his. You let out a breath finally being at peace in his arms, knowing that you were finally safe with him.

"I love you." You mumured against his lips. He pulled away and replyed "i love you too y/n."

A/n: yo im back! I know i havnt updated in like 4 years but I actually want to start writing imagaines again so if you have any requests go ahead and send them in. I also just posted another story for harry potter imagines that im really excited to start so if you have ideas for that, go for it! im looking for material. Thanks for reading! Much love ✌

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2019 ⏰

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