Vic Imagine

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Request? Vic Fuentes is my father ( I’m 14) I get home from school late and we argue. Things get heated and he says something hurtful and I lock myself in my room. He comes up and apologizes and fluff please. Maybe make it long?? Thanks love!

A/N: I changed it slightly

You walked into the cool air conditioned air of your house. You put your backpack down and went to the kitchen to get food and then you were going to sleep because you were just done with school and life and everything. You began to walk to your room.

"Hey where do you think you are going. One of your teachers called and told me that you got a referral for shouting fuck you to a girl in class and then walking out." Your dad said. He was pretty mad.

"Yea well, that was because she would not stop throwing things at me and talking about me right behind me." You said slightly raising your voice.

"I don’t care what she was doing! You can’t do that! And why does this only ever happen to you!" That really made you mad.

"DAD, HAS IT EVER CROSSED YOUR MIND THAT I MIGHT BE ASKING MYSELF THE SAME DAMN QUESTION EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE!" you screamed. You ran to your room and locked the door. You fell on your bed crying. You hated this feeling of just fucking hating everything and feeling like the only sensible person on the planet. You cried for a little while before you realized that crying was stupid and you were not 4. You could deal with this without tears. You just layed on your bed in the fetal position, thinking.

You heard a soft knock on your door. and then it opened. Oh yea, you forgot that locking the door was pointless because the key was on top of the door anyways.

"Hey, I just wanted to apologize." Your dad said standing in the doorway.

"I’m sorry for yelling at you when it wasn’t really your fault." He said coming in and sitting on the end of the bed.

"It’s ok." You said sitting up.

"I forgot how it was to be in school and it sucks. If that was the worst you have done then you are doing just fine." You hugged him.

"This parenting stuff is pretty hard so just give me a little slack. They don’t teach you how to do this right." He said making you chuckle.

"I guess as far as dads go, your doing pretty good too." You said.

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