Vic Imagine

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                             <—she wrote this. not me.

Anon: One where there’s a fight between a band member from PTV and a few days before Christmas. And it was a stupid reason. Uhm. Finish like you like. :D I love your writing by the way

I sighed softly as I waited for Vic to get home. Lately, he’d been going out and getting drunk almost every night since tour ended, giving us almost no time together. 

Tonight, he said he would be home by ten, and an hour later, I was fine, thinking he was just a little late, but as I glanced at the clock, my anger grew. 

2:30 in the morning. And he still isn’t home. 

Suddenly, a car door slammed outside our apartment. Finally… 

I heard Vic struggling to open the door, probably because he was drunk. No surprise there. I stood up with a sigh and went to the door. 

“Hey baabbee,” Vic slurred, the smell of alcohol strong on his breath. I cringed slightly and took a step back saying, “Where the hell were you Vic? You said you’d be home by ten and its fucking two! Two in the morning Vic!”

He just sighed and walked around me to the couch. 

“Are you even listening to me?” I growled, placing my hands on my hips. Vic leaned his head back to look at me. 

“Not really darlin’.” 

Oh wow. First he comes home four and a half hours late and now he’s ignoring me?

“Really Vic? I thought you cared about me! Its almost Christmas for god’s sake! You promised the night you came back from your that you would try and spend more time with me. So what is this?! You continually come home late and drunk and barely pay attention to me… I just… I don’t know if this is working…” I yelled, a few tears cascading down my cheeks. 

Vic squeezed his eyes shut and breathed out a long sigh. 

“I’m sorry babe… I’ve been out of control… I don’t mean to, its just… Well I guess I don’t have any excuse… I’m really sorry…” he said quietly. 

I looked at him for a few seconds, questioning whether he meant it or not. 


“Please… How about this, for an early Christmas present, I’m giving you myself. Just say the word and I’m yours. We can do whatever you want, I promise…”

I bit my lip softly. Should I really trust him? He’s said he would try and do better before but he didn’t 

“Please… I promise…”

I walked over, sat in his lap, and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. 

“Okay… But if you don’t hold up this promise, I might have to give my heart to someone else this Christmas,” I laughed. Vic chuckled and kissed my lips again. putting his arms around me.

“Don’t worry, your heart’s all mine this year, I promise.”

“Love you Vic.”

“Love you more.”

“Doubt it.”

yep...i am out of pierce the veil requests. If you want to send some to me the just message me. If you go to my page, you can find a link to my tumblr. If you want to be anonomous then you can message me through tumblr. So I don't know when I will update next. but thanks for reading anyways!

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