Mike Imagine

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Anon: You’re about to have mike Fuentes baby. And your due any day, but he is still on tour. He then comes to home the day you go into labor. And it’s all fluffy in the delivery room.

Mike’s POV:

I walked behind the rest of the passengers that were on my plane. I was getting back from a 4 month tour and finally seeing Y/N again. She was also 9 months pregnant and her due date is in 5 days. I’m just really glad that I will be there for the birth of our daughter. It’s so weird thinking that we will have a daughter. I am going to be a father. I am really exited but this is really scary. It seems like yesterday I was drinking my juice box and still asking Vic to tie my shoes for me but now I have to be a dad.

I walked into the bright atmosphere of the airport and immediately saw Y/N. I ran to her and hugged her carful not to hurt the baby. I had missed her so much.

"I missed you darling." I said leaning down to kiss her gently.

"I missed you too." She mumbled against my lips making me smile. Suddenly she stopped kissing. She pulled away with a deadly expression.

"I think my water just broke." She muttered just loud enough for me to hear.


Y/N’s POV:

You held you baby girl in your arms wrapped in a little pink blanket. You and Mike looked down at her in awe. She was perfect. You didn’t know how every mom thought their baby was the cutest thing in the world but now you understood it. You were a mom! Your little family was perfect.

"She is beautiful." Mike spoke. He was grinning.

"Can I hold her?" He spoke quietly.

You nodded and he took her and held her close to his chest.

"What should we call her?" You asked. You two hadn’t really talked about names too much. You two waited a moment.

"Ellie sounds nice." He said looking up at you.

"Ellie" You said trying the name out loud. "I like it." You said.

"Ok, Ellie." He said looking back down at her. You looked at the two of them and realized that this was your family. You had a family that you made all on your own. And it was perfect.

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