Chapter 7

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Next day

Timmys P.O.V

Okay so today I have to tell Krista about Alexis and I already know it's not gonna go well.

Alexis😅: I'm outside. My sister dropped me off.

What in the actual fuck. This is not good. I run and open the door.

"Alexis! kinda have to talk to someone in a minute so......" I trail off.

"It's fine. I'll just stay and sit on the couch!" She says smiling.

This bitch.

Mrs. Connors😍😘👫👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💏👑💞: Hey babe. I'm bringing you something. I'll be there in like 35 minutes! Love you💗💗💗

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Not good.

"Alexis you have to go." I tell her. She stands up and walks over to me. She walked so close that there wasn't even any space between us.

"Why Timmy?" She asks as she puts her hand on my chest.

"M-my girlfriend is coming over." I say.

"Really? That's nice." She says and then BAM! She kisses me. What's makes it worst is that I kissed back and didn't pull away. Before I could comprehend everything, we were on my couch and then............... you know what happened.

Krista's P.O.V

Currently sitting out side Timmys house. I got him that watch he wanted. He's been talking about it for like ever!

I get out my car and walk to the front door. He never locks it so I just walked right in.

"Timmy I got you some-" I cut myself off taking in the scene in front of me.

He looks up at me and pulls out. (I'm sorry but this is so weird to write😂)

"Krista........please." He says as he sees my shocked and disappointed face expression. My eyes wonder back and forth between him and the girl. I set the bag down that had his watch in it as tears stream down my cheeks. I don't say anything. There's just this emptiness inside of me. Timmy looks at me with guilt.

"Baby, let me explain." He says as he grabs my waist. I push him away. Not forcefully but softly. I turn my back towards him as I walk to my car with my heart shattered into a million pieces.

"Krista please wait!" He yells as he follows me.

"Please say something." He says. I don't even know why I'm not yelling. I get into my car and start the engine and drive off. My vision blurry from my tears. I'm praying to god I don't get into an accident. I get to my house and go inside. I run up to my room and lay down on my bed. I continue to cry as multiple calls and texts come to my phone. They're all from Timmy so I don't answer. I get under my covers and cry until I cry myself to sleep.

Riyahs P.O.V

Right now I'm on the phone with Alexa and she's telling me everything about Timmy. I can't believe him.

"Today he was supposed to tell her that he cheated on her. I've been calling her like crazy but she's not answering." She says.

"She's probably at home. Let's go check on her." I say as I walk downstairs to get my car keys.

"Okay. Are you coming right now?" She asks.

"Yeah. I'll be there in 5." I say and hang up. I drove over to her house and picked her up and then we went to Kristas house. Alexa got the spare key and unlocked the door. We walked upstairs to her room. We opened the door and it was pitch black in there. The only light was her phone.

Alexa picked up the phone and read the messages.

"Something's not right." She says shaking her head.

"What do you mean?" I ask frowning. She shows me the phone.

I read the text messages and think. My eyes widen.

"What?!" She asks.

"Okay. remember when I was going out with Devon and I walked in on him and that girl having sex?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Why?" She asks me.

"Devon texted me a lot of the same things Timmy texted Krista." I say pointing to the phone.

"Oh hell to the mother flying fucking no." I say instantly getting pissed.

"We're going to Timmys!" I say walking out of the room. We get to the car and speed to his house. We open the door and walk up to his room since he wasn't downstairs.

"TIMMY MOTHERFUCKING CONNORS!" I say opening his door without knocking.



"I don't know what happened. It all happened so fast." He says rubbing his face with his hands.

"Why was she even here?" Alexa asks crossing her arms.

"I don't know. She showed up out of no where." He says.

"I really fucked up." He whispers but says it loud enough for us to hear.

"Can you guys come back later? I just need some time to think about all of this." He says. We nod our heads and leave.

Alexa's P.O.V

So much drama is happening right now. Between me and Zach and Krista and Timmy, we could be on a reality show.

Riyah drops me off at home and I decide to have a lazy day. I change into a t-shirt and sweatpants. I go downstairs and sit on the couch as I scroll through Netflix until I get a text.

Zach😳😜: .............hi?

Hello my beautiful readers!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter😊😊

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