Chapter 11

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Riyahs P.O.V

Jason takes a step near me.

"Don't you come any fucking closer." I say backing up.

"I just want a friend."  He says taking another step closer with open arms.

"You're crazy." I say.

"I'm crazy for wanting a hug from my bestfriend?" He asks laughing.

"No. You're crazy because you kidnapped Krista." I say.

"Oh. I might be a little bit." He says shrugging his shoulders.

I turn around and bein trying to climb through the window again but he pulls me back down and puts his hands around my neck. He then pushes me up against the wall really hard and I swear it felt like my skull cracked.

As I was blacking out I remembered I had a gun. I pulled it from underneath my shirt and put it on Jason's stomach and pulled the trigger.

He released his grip from my neck as I fell to the ground. Seconds later police began barging in the house and the room I was in. I see my uncle walking over to me.

"Proud of you kiddo." He says putting his hand on my shoulder. I nod my head. I really don't know what I'm feeling at the moment. I feel emotionless at the moment.

"Come on. Let's go." He says and helps me stand up. We start walking outside. It's literally chaos. There's people, police, helicopters, and news vans.

There's cameras flashing everywhere and people with mics asking all of us questions.

I answered a lot of them and then went to sit down in my uncles truck.

Timmys P.O.V

Krista has been hugging me ever since she came out of the building and to be honest I love it. Her friend has been hugging Edwin the whole time. He's cool with it but Janae.......not so much.

Everyone is fine I guess. Riyah kinda looked out of it when she came out of the place but she had blood on her so I understand why.

"I'm gonna drive her to the hospital. Her head is bleeding." Jamie said referring to Riyah. I nod my head as a way of saying okay.

After he left we all left after him and went to my house.

Short chapter because Wattpad deleted a lot so I'll update tomorrow.😁😁 love you all😘

Second Chances (Zach Clayton)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora