Chapter 17

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Alexa's P.O.V

After we left from hanging with Ari and Justin everyone was supposed to go home but ended up crashing at my place. Even Zach and Alexis.

I woke up before everyone else so I showered and stuff and then decided to make breakfast. My phone started ringing so walked over to see who it was.

It was Justin wanting to facetime me. I smile and answer it.

"Sup hot stuff?" he smiled.

"What's shakin bacon?" I respond smiling too.

"Hiiiii!" Ariana says from the background.

"Hey babe!" I say back.

"Hey that's not fair. Why does she get a 'hey babe' and I don't?" he pouts. I roll eyes playfully.

"Hey babe!" I say to him smiling.

"Wassup babygirl." he says back smirking and then winks.

"Ew. Gross." I say playfully.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"I'm about to make breakfast!" I say going to the refrigerator to get the eggs.

"I want some!" he pouts.

"Where are you?" I ask.

"Where are you now that I need you?!" he sings to the top of his lungs.

I laugh a little while humming with him.

"Can we stop by for a couple minutes. We wanna see you guys before we leave." Ariana asks.

"Hell yeah. I'll text you the address." I grab my phone and go to my contacts. I find Arianas name and text her the address.

"Got it! Well be there in like 20 minutes." she says.

"Okay." I say while getting ready to hang up but Justin stops me.

"Nooo! Don't hang up." Justin whines.

I laugh and shake my head.

"I wanna watch you make food." he says smiling.

"Okay weirdo." I laugh.

"ERRBODY SAY SAUSAGE KEEP IT GOING! EGGS BACON GRITS SAUSAGE!" I yell walking into the living room where everyone WAS sleeping.

"Shut the fuck uppppp." Edwin groans.

"Justin and Ariana are coming over." I say.

"Oh my god. Like now?" Riyah asks.

"Yeah. Like now.." I laugh.

"I look like shit!! GOTTA BLAST!" Riyah says running upstairs.


"K." I yell back.


Justin and Ariana just got here and were all sitting down watching a movie.

Riyah comes out of the kitchen with popcorn.

"Oh well. Looks like all the seats are taken!" she says shrugging her shoulders and then walks over to Justin and sits on his lap.

He laughs a little then wrapped his arms around her waist.

Shes so lucky Nick had to leave. He would be so pissed.

"What are you guys gonna do after you leave?" I ask Ariana.

"I don't know really. I don't have anything to do. I might just end up staying with you guys. Y'all cool with that?" she asks looking at us.

"Hell yeah!" I say and smile.

"Guess I'm staying too!" Justin says as Riyah wraps her arms around his neck.



Sorry the chapter isn't longer. Longer chapters coming soon.

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