Chapter 16

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Alexa's P.O.V

I'm done with Zach's bullshit. I honestly am. He's such a fuckboy. I can't believe I was actually going to take him to Justin's concert. I guess I can find someone else to bring. I'll most likely end up asking Dylan to go with me.

I just left his house. He dropped me off at home and I have nothing better to do so I'm going to the mall. I think it's time for a make over.

I call Krista to ask where she and the others are. Turns out all the girls are at her house and I tell her I'm on my way.

I pull up to see all the girls outside.

"Come on bitches. We're going shopping." I yell. We all decide who's riding with each other and then head off. When we get there I immediately head to the make up section.

I don't wear a lot of makeup so I get some lipstick, eye liner, and mascara. The concert is tomorrow so I can put it to use.

As I'm walking to the clothing section Dylan calls me.

"Yo yo yo!" I answer.

"Hey." he laughs.
"You doing anything tomorrow?"

"Actually yeah. I have some JB tickets and I was wondering if you would come with me." I tell him.

"Holy shit! Yeah. What time?" he asks.

"4:30 but be at my house by 3:15 because it's gonna take us a while to drive to the place it's at." I say.

"Okay. See you tomorrow." he says and then hangs up.

I look at all the clothes and I don't see anything that really catches my eye. I sigh and start walking towards the girls.

"Let's go back to my house. I don't see anything I really want." Krista says. The rest of us a agree and we head back to Krista's house.

As soon as we get comfortable the doorbell rings. Krista gets up to go get it and later comes back with all the boys following behind her. I immediately get pissed off as soon as I see Zach because he has Alexis with him.

I pull out my phone and text Dylan.

'Come over Krista's house. Let's hang'

Within two minutes he texts back and tells me he's on his way.

I can tell everyone's eyes are on me because I hadn't told them that Zach and I broke up so it's weird seeing him with another girl.

The doorbell rings and I get up and to go get it. Dylan stands there with a bag. He hands it to me and I take it. He got me all my favorite candies and snacks. I jump up and down excitedly and then hug him. I grab his hand and we walk to the living room.

Everyone took up most of the space on the couch and and there was only one spot left. Dylan sat down and then pulled me down with him so I was placed on his lap.

I opened my bag of skittles and start tossing them up to see if I could catch them. Unfortunately I missed most of them. Dylan starts laughing at me.

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