Chapter 19

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(Zach's P.O.V)

I'm so irritated. I can't do anything right. Alexa is pissed at me and will barely even talk to me. I just wanna talk things out with her.

"Hey baby. What's wrong?" Alexis asks as she sees me.

"Listen. I'm not your baby, in not your boo, I'm not your friend, I'm not your anything. Leave me alone. You messed up the best thing I had in my life and you don't even care." I say and then walk away from her.

"Get over it Zach. She doesn't want you. Just forget about her. It's almost the end of our senior year. You don't need to be stressing." She says walking over to me.

I am stressing too much and right now I'm honestly just ready to fuck the first girl I see and sadly that's Alexis but it's either I take my frustration out sexually or physically by fighting.

I drag her upstairs to a random room and push her on the bed.

(Alexa's P.O.V)

I get up from the circle and go upstairs. I really need to lay down. I feel like shit. Every room I walked in had someone fucking in it. I walked into one room and saw Zach and Alexis. People really need to lock the doors.

I finally find an empty room and crash there. I don't know who's room it was and to be honest I didn't care.

I got up the next morning with a killer headache. I was ready to go home but I didn't know where Krista was.

I look in all the rooms and she wasn't in there. I go downstairs and look on the couches and I see her there with half her body hanging off of one. I laugh a little and then wake her us.

"Krista get up." I saw yawning. She groans and then gets up while stumbling a bit.

"Let's go." I say as I get my keys out of the pile on the counter.

"My head is fucking killing me." Krista says leaning her head against the window of the car.

"Mine too. I just wanna sleep." I say while stopping at a red light.

"What happened with you and Zach last night." She asks.

"Nothing. We kissed and he got mad cause I wouldn't accept his apology and then he went and fucked Alexis." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"What the fuck." She said looking at me.

"I know right. I don't have time to be stressing over him. I have to look for colleges after school gets out. I just don't have the time to be worrying about Zach." I say as I pull into my driveway. We get out and go into my house.

Justin calls me and I answer.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Are you okay. You sound like you just died and then woke back up." He says.

"I got drunk last night." I say.

"Aww. Without me?" He says laughing.

I chuckle a little.

"Yes. Without you fuckboy." I say smiling.

"That sucks. But hey, I'm leaving soon and I wanna spend some time with you and the others because Ariana is leaving too." He says.

"Okay. When are you leaving?" I ask.

"In about a week or two." He says.

"Okay. Well I'll try to find some fun stuff to do and we can go and do whetever if yall aren't busy." I say as I walk upstairs.

"Okay. I'll call you later. You sound like you need some sleep." He says.

"Okay. I'll talk to you later." I say and then hang up.

Not long but I'm having major brainfarts and can't think of anything so send me ideas and if I like it I'll make that for the next chapter and I'll mention you :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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