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{12 am}

"wait, okkay..." cage slurred his words like crazy from all the alcohol consumption. his eyes followed the spinning bottle until it came to a slow stop. "riley!"

i groaned in annoyance. we're now playing spin the bottle, which i found quite entertaining because everyone playing was completely wasted, except me.

"you hhhave to kiss matthew." cage informed me, and i immediately looked over to emilys glummimg expression. i still cannot believe im the only person here who realizes she's head over heels for matt, and i just got here today.

i quickly turn to matthew, giving him the quickest peck on the lips you could give, which made emilys mood perk up a bit.

"ugh, this is getting boring." brandon slurred, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"let's tipi mr.howards house." matt suggested, and everyone's lips tugged up into a small smile.

so maybe i have fallen into the crowd of kids that parents warn you to stay away from, but now that I've truly spent time with them, it's not hard to realize that they're actually the coolest people you'll ever meet. so far tonight has been more fun than it started off as, even without a drop of alcohol in my system.

the only other person here who isn't drunk is chandler. not to mention the weird stares i've been receiving from him all night. right now, his eyes are fixed on my high tops, his eyebrows furrowed as he's deep in thought. I can only wonder why he would be staring at my shoes, but he soon realized im watching him and snaps back into reality.

"I'm up for that. who else?" emily speaks, breaking the silence.

i ponder the idea. i don't know this person they speak of, nor will i probably ever run into him again after this night. but then again, if the cops are somehow called, it won't matter to them, and I'll be arrested.

"yeah. I'm in." the words roll off my tongue before i can process what I've just said. everyone looks at me in surprise, but my words cause almost everyone else to agree also, well, except chandler.

"come on! you've been mr.grumpy all night!" emily nudged his shoulder.

"fine." he huffed, "I'll go, but i am not throwing any toilet paper."

we all get up at the same time, making our way to brandons car while matt grabs the rolls of toilet paper. i hop in the middle of the back seat while next to me sits cage and emily. brandon sits quietly in the passenger seat while chandler is driving, and i have no clue where matt is going to sit, but no one else seems to think its a problem.

suddenly, he comes running out of the house with tons of toilet paper in his arms and jumps right onto the back of the car, stomping until he's settled nicely on the roof.

"oh, my god. is he going to stay up there?" i ask with shock and concern flooding my tone.

chandler laughs at me, while everyone else smiles.


"he always does stuff like that. we've learned to just go with it." emily explains to me, but im still completely uncomfortable with the idea of being in a car where someone is unsafely plopped on the roof.

Run Away; C.RDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora