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{10:00 pm}

the race tracks are huge, and so many people came to watch. there are packed bleachers on both sides of the tracks, and a fence bordering where all the bikes are set in their positions. the whole group, besides chandler, brandon, and matt, are lined up against the fence, waiting patiently for the race to begin.

"it's so crowded!" I exclaim.

"yeah, this is like the first football game for our school, only its with motorcycles instead of footballs." cage explained to me.

suddenly, a whistle was blown from the other side of the fence, gathering the crowds attention. the racers are adjusting their helmets and starting the engine to their bikes.

now, I know nothing about motorcycles and racing and whatnot, but this seems like serious shit.

I can't tell which one is chandler and matt because everyone's wearing basically the same gear and black helmets. one of them brings their arm all the way up and waves wildly in my direction, and I wave back, as does emily and cage.

"that's matt..." she tells me, pausing her sentence to point her finger in the direction of another person seated firmly on the all black, very shiny, bike. "and that's chandler. brandon isn't in tonight."

I nod in understanding and glue my eyes to guy who is about to blow the whistle to let them all know the race has begun. excitement pumps through me as the high pitched whistle makes an ear piercing shriek, and everyone immediately takes off full speed.

chandler immediately takes first, swerving perfectly around every corner, gaining more of a lead with every second. when he gets closest to our side of the fence, the crowd begins to chant and yell his name in order to cheer him on. emily and cage join in, but i can only stare in amazement. I've never experienced anything like this, and it makes me wonder on what else I've missed out on.

my eyes scan the racers for matt, finding him in fourth place. they're like speed demons on those things.

unexpectedly, I feel a light tap on my shoulder, and i twist my head around to see a very tall, and might i add, pretty cute guy smiling at me. im surprised at first, a cute boy, looking at me?

don't flatter yourself, riley. he's probably just wondering where the restroom is. no one is checking you out.

"hello." i smile. "can i help you?"

"yeah, actually, you can." he smiles charmingly. "you see, I saw this really beautiful girl from all the way over there--" he pauses to point to the opposite side of the fence before continuing. "and I really just couldn't stop myself from coming over and asking her name."

the words roll off his tongue so easily and with much confidence that it would be almost impossible for me not to blush madly.

"y-you mean me?" I ask, dumbfounded. I don't normally get this sort of attention.

"why of course." he replies with the most genuine smile which only makes my cheeks flare into an even brighter shade of red.

"im riley." i say, holding out my hand for him to shake.

his touch was soft against my hand, making me a little disappointed when each of our hands pulled away.

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