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it was cold and windy, making my hair blow in all different directions as i reluctantly trudged up the wooden steps of zack's apartment building. he hadn't given me an apartment number, so that's why i found him sitting in one of the lounge chairs located in the lobby.

he didn't notice me until i was standing in front of him, watching him innocently sip his tea.

"ah, ry..-"

"don't call me ry."

"alright, we can be that way."

"just tell me where chandler is, i don't have time to play your fucking games."

"he's not coming back, riley. he already knows he doesn't deserve you. i made that pretty clear. he's a screw up, and he finally understands that."

"what the hell is wrong with you?!" i wanted to shout, but i kept my voice calm to avoid causing a big scene.

"it would be best for you to just let him be. let him find someone who actually meets his level of stupidity."

"he is not stupid." i spit back, seething with anger. "you lied to me. you told me you knew where he was."

"that's because i do. but i know you deserve someone so much better than him."

"what? you mean someone like you? because your shitting yourself if you think that's ever going to happen." i deadpan, catching his neutral reaction switch into one of surprise.

"he went to his dad." he said, quietly and obviously defeated. i knew i had found the one thing that could shut off his tough guy shield, and i'm not lying when i say it surprised me.

he actually, really did like me.

"where's his dad?" i pushed further, a sinking feeling entering my chest when i remembered how broken chandler was the last time he had contact with his father.

"he's been working in a fifties themed cafe downtown. that's where he is."

"thanks.." i said softly, turning on my heel to exit the lobby doors. i could hear him slam his coffee cup into the garbage, kicking something afterwards, but i couldn't do anything other than silently leave the building.


i drove until i found the 50's themed, cute little cafe. it seemed old, but cozy, and that's why i started feeling less and less afraid that chandler would be inside, screaming at his dad in front of everyone.

and i was right, that's not what happened at all. in fact, when i made my way up to the glass doors that jingled slightly when you pushed them open, something quite near the opposite happened.

i saw his moppy brown hair from across the room, sitting across from a guy who looked exactly like the older version of himself. he craned his neck to turn his attention towards whoever was coming through the door, and seeing his hopeful, yet sad cerulean eyes is what flipped the switch for me.

or maybe it was the way he instantly stood to his feet when he saw me, or the way his feet went towards me as fast as they could, or the way that i could already feel his lovely presence lifting weights off my shoulders. whatever it was, it was the reason for when he got close enough, i wrapped my frail around around his neck,

and i kissed him.

he was totally, completely taken aback at first, but after a moment, his warm hands placed themselves cautiously around my torso to pull me in closer. i placed my feet on top of his and stood on my tip toes in order to reach his height.

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