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"chandler, shut up." I warned him in the lowest whisper I could manage.

as of right now, we were outside of Laura's gigantic house in the middle of the night, trying to strategize a way into her bedroom window.

I knew it was risky because of the fact that my own house was right across the street from us, but it was pitch black, and I was being quiet, unlike some people.

"I stepped on pickers!" he hissed back, and I looked back to see him desperately clutching his ankle and ripping off the pointy pickers. for some twisted reason, this made me giggle, and I couldn't seem to stop.

chandler halted his actions and gave me a confused stare.

"what the hell could be so funny about that?" he asked, sounding aggravated.

I sobered up from laughing, "it's just that, you of all people seem like the type of guy who could easily break into someone's house, but instead, you've already tripped over two different roots, landed in a pile of muddy snow, and got yourself covered in pickers."

he crossed his arms over his chest, frowning adorably.

"hey, it's your fault that I've lost my bad boy touch." he exclaimed, but I pressed my pointer finger up to his frowning lips and shushed him once more.

there was a small creak from the front porch, so I grasped chandler's bicep, which was quiet muscular might I add, and dragged him around back until we were out of sight.

"do you mind?" I whispered as we crouched down behind the big willow tree in her back yard.

"do I mind what?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at my vague question.

"that I made you loose your bad boy persona."

he thought it over, and then said, "absolutely not."

I smiled, trying to look away so he didn't catch it, but I was too late. he pressed his lips to my cheek for a quick 0.05 seconds and then stood up.

I followed after him, looking up at the third story window we desperately needed to find a way to get to. her silver drapes were open, along with the window, letting the curtains flow outside with the direction of the wind.

"I have an idea." I said, more to myself than out loud, but chandler listened anyway. "I think I remember the key to get into the shed, which is where mr. evans keeps all of his construction tools."

"including a ladder?" he questioned, our brains thinking the same thing.

I nodded in confirmation, "including a ladder."

with that, we silently made our way around to the other side of the house where the shed was, and I made chandler the look out as I flipped open the keypad.

I remembered when laura and I would come in here after one of us had a bad episode with our families. it was the only place, other than my little spot up on the hill, that we could be all alone for a while. and she had told me the key to get in a few times, so I just needed to conjure up my long term memory.

"hurry up." chandler said, and I pushed in the first four numbers that came to my head.

the keypad flashed red, telling me what I entered was incorrect, so I pressed in another combination of numbers. incorrect. I tried again. the keypad flashed red.

"oh, shit." I cursed to myself, only for chandler to gently place me out of his way as he clicked in a few different tries until eventually the keyboard flashed green.

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