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ever since chandler had sadly mentioned how long ago the last time he'd celebrated christmas was, i knew that it was my job to change that.

he'd told me that normally, emily was involuntary flown out to see her parents for a few days while him and the guys would just crash some parties and drown their sorrows in some toxic liquids. my heart immediately sank because i knew just what it felt like to listen to everyone else's christmas vacation stories and list of presents while i had nothing to share.

let's just say, it hurts.

"should i hang red or green streamers on the railings?" emily calls out from across the house.

we kicked the guys out earlier since today is their ditch day, which gave me time to tell emily all about my plan. she thought it was so amazing that she'd went straight online and cancelled her plane tickets to Illinois, not even bothering to inform her parents. she told me it didn't make a difference either way because they were always too busy working to spend any time with her.

"um, both?" i answer, and she giggles while i fail for the umpteenth time at setting up this fake christmas tree.

yes, we went with the cheap silver-colored tree that was just a few inches than me.

"are you sure the boys won't come barging in and ruin the surprise?" she asks again, her voice echoing through the walls of the house.

"yeah, i told them you and i were spending the day at the mall and wanted girl time. i'm positive they won't be back." i say, and we both chuckle at the fact.

i'm beyond glad that i put on my brave persona last night and forced chandler into spilling his cooped up feelings with me. i also spilled some too, but it was mostly about our petty little argument. all in all, everything is back to the way it was, and nobody blames anybody.

everything's the way it's supposed to be.


taking a step back, we both examine every inch of our extremely cheerful and holiday-covered home. red, green, and white decorations coated each and every room to our best ability. our accomplishment brought huge smiles to both of our faces.

"okay, you wrap chandler and brandon's gift, and I'll wrap matt and cage's?" she suggests, not wasting any time.

i nod as we rush to the kitchen with safety scissors and scotch tape in hand. i take the silence as an opportunity to catch up on the teenage girl talk that i've been craving.

"so, what's up with you and matt?" i ask as we both focus on our tasks at hand. although i see a side glance of how red her cheeks have become, and immediately know that i'm not crazy. something is there.

"i don't know what you mean.." she lies.

"you're such a liar." i laugh, and she groans, knowing that now she has to tell me everything.

"okay, fine... we've been hanging out a lot more separately, but i don't know if it even means anything." she explains.

"he likes you." i say confidently, knowing it's true from the little things I've seen.

"really? are you sure?" she asks excitedly, which is my cue to intake that she likes him back. i nod while giggling at her response.

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