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"tell me something."

chandler and I laid sprawled out along his white sheets, just now waking up to the shining display of sunlight splitting through his curtains. waking up unexpectedly next to one of the warmest bodies in the world was something of complete luxury. and the fact that chandler looked extremely, like inhumanly, attractive right when he wakes up is a particularly huge bonus for me.

"like what?" I questioned, snuggling my head back into the pillow to shield my sleepy eyes from the light of day. he shrugs in response.

"anything. tell me about your favorite animal or the best day of your life or the time you learned how to ride a bike without training wheels... just talk." he explained, not opening his eyes once during our entire conversation.

I giggled but nonetheless did as requested. "well, my favorite animal is a hummingbird--"

"a hummingbird?" he laughed, cutting off the rest of my sentence. "why?"

"in greek mythology, hummingbirds represent the stopper of time, and I don't know, I guess I just really love the idea of having the power to pause time whenever something memorable is happening.." I explained, but when he remained silent I added, "plus they're so tiny and adorable."

he nodded, eyes still closed but now a smug smirk toyed with his lips, "so, just like you."

this comment earned him a slap in the chest via my palm as I protested, "I am not tiny."

"whatever floats your boat, darling." he chuckled.


"I don't want to go, riley." chandler whined, crossing his arms over his chest as he crawled his way back to the mattress.

"he can't keep refusing to talk to you." I mentioned.

trying to get chandler to get out of bed was an entire challenge on it's own. now add the part where I tell him we're going to cage's house, where brandon is bound to be, and you earn yourself a very stubborn boyfriend.

"riley." he protested, gripping both of my shoulders gently in order for me to face him. there was no smirk planted on his lips now, he was all seriousness. "not everything can be fixed."

"so, you're telling me that you just plan on letting go of two friendships that have been there for you when you needed them to be in the blink of an eye?" I snipped, quite angry that someone could do something like that. I was in shock when he laughed.

"no, you see, you don't get it. they were never there for me, in fact, the only time they were ever there for me was when I needed alcohol or some shit. no one in our little circle of friends really even cared about each other until you showed up. we were just friends to not look like losers and double up on parties. matt and emily, now they may have cared a little bit, maybe. but those two shitheads just used me for drugs and people to fight with."

"I don't believe that." I said immediately, "you just don't want to apologize." I stated softly.

"okay, i'll go and prove it to you. they don't care about me, ry." he told me, tugging his jacket off the chair before escorting me to his car. I followed quietly, sliding into the passenger seat as he started the car.

"promise me you will actually try to talk it out, though." I asked, gently. my breath hitched in my throat when he reached across the car and took my hand in his, linking our fingers together as he kept his eyes on the road ahead.

"I promise." he agreed, a smile creeping up on him for a mere two seconds. but it was there, and that is what matters.

I smiled at his cooperation but then cringed at the fact that the window displayed me with dark storm clouds and an overall gloomy view.

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