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She was carrying way too much, she knew that, but she didn't really want to go back and forth between the front and the table her and her friends were sitting at, it would take too long, and the ice cream might melt, and she'd get yelled at again, as she was thanking the man behind the counter for helping her find a way to hold it all, she ran right into someone.

"What the hell...?" He growled, looking down at his shirt before glaring at her.

She was speechless for a moment, realizing what had happened, then she looked up at him, of course, he towered over her short self, looking very well put together in a white dress shirt and black jeans, his platinum colored hair nearly blinding her in the sunlight. And she'd gotten chocolate ice cream all over him. She hoped he'd be forgiving, but when she looked at his face, looking absolutely furious with her, she doubted it.

"Oh my--I'm so sorry!" She said, bowing. Before it got any worse, she ran over to a table and took at least a zillion napkins, then started wiping at his shirt. That chocolate was not going to come out of that white shirt, but she figured she'd try, it didn't occur to her that she was probably just making it worse until she'd already started.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He asked, scarily calm, though when she looked up at him, he looked just as upset as before.

"Helping?" She said, her voice sounding small in her ears.

He pulled away from her, "Don't touch me." His voice low.

She sucked in a breath, about to say something to further apologize, but he'd already turned away from her, and was walking briskly to the parking lot, and whatever she was going to say caught in her throat. She almost felt tears coming on, but swallowed those, and began picking up the ice cream cones she'd dropped when she ran into him.

Why were all the stunningly beautiful ones absolute jerks?

After she threw all the ice cream cones in the garbage, she rubbed her sticky hands on her pants before heading over to the table her friends were sitting at. they were laughing about something, and she inwardly prayed it wasn't her.

"Oh my gosh, Min-hee!" Jaemin laughed, barely able to speak coherently he was laughing so hard. Jaemin had been her friend since Pre-K, but he was silly, always finding some reason to laugh, even if no one else got it, but he was still one of her best friends, even if he was a little crazy.

She looked around the table, seeing that they were all laughing. She pouted. "What?"

Jaemin just laughed harder, Min-hee's other friend, Jin-Kyong smiled lightly, always being the calm rational one of the group "He's--well, we--we're laughing about that guy you ran right into...literally."

"Jaemin!" Min-hee said, still pouting, "It's not funny! I made an absolute fool of myself!"

Amaya looked at her sympathetically for a second, taking a break from laughing, then she laughed harder, unable to speak. Amaya had only been her friend since the beginning of the year, but they got on so well that it seemed like longer. It must have seemed long enough to just laugh shamelessly at Min-hee.

Jaemin slapped the table, hardly able to hold in laughter long enough to speak. "His face though! You'd think someone told him he was going to die in a minute!"

Min-hee stamped her foot. "Not funny! He was so upset..." She looked back at the parking lot where he'd gone, he wasn't there anymore of course, he'd probably long since driven away. "He looked like he wanted to just about kill me for smearing that ice cream all over him..." She said thoughtfully, she felt so bad. He'd been a jerk about it, but maybe he was having a bad day, maybe it was the straw that broke the camel's back.

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