Darlin' you'll be okay

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Ashley's PoV
After this mornings events, Jinxx continued to watch my every movement out of the corner of his eye, he thinks I don't see him, as he made breakfast,
"What are you wanting?" Jinxx asked while motioning to the stacks of food built up in front of him,
"I'm not hungry" I say, completely void of emotion.
"You've got to eat something" he sighs turning to look at me,
"Don't have to and I'm not hungry," I'm surprised my voice is so steady, my expression blank matching my voice.
"Okay suit yourself." Jinxx gave up "Go wake everyone tell them breakfast will be done in 5 minutes"

Following Jinxx's instructions I go wake everyone, first CC, then Jake, skip by Andy and wake the crew. Entering the lounge area again I see Jake and CC already through, joking around the table as Jinxx places the plates in front of them, I seat myself at the other table while the rest of the crew enter.

"What's taking Andy and Cobolt so long?" Jinxx asks me, "You did wake them, right?"
"Yip" I said popping the 'p' and of course I didn't the longer I go without seeing them two the better.
"Okay, I'll go see what's going on" Jake said as he finished his last bit of bacon, Jake left for the bunks and Jinxx sat beside me to eat his breakfast.
Jake returned with a very sleepy Andy and Dickhead (Cobolt),
"You didn't wake them?!" Jake exclaims looked at me, which provokes all eyes to turn in me,
"Yes I did," I reply, surprising myself again with how calm I have kept my voice this morning,
"No you didn't." Andy huffed, in his sexy morning voice, No bad Ashley. Anyway,
"Yeah I did," I persisted, no I didn't hehe.
"Whatever I know you didn't" Andy rolls his eyes collecting the remaining to plates and sitting down at the table opposite Jake and CC, meanwhile Jinxx turns to me,
"Did you?" He whispers only loud enough for me to hear,
"Nope" I say popping the 'p', he sighs and stands to put his plate in the sink,
"Ash, come with me" he says motioning to follow with his hand, I look at him quizzically, "I told you this morning we would talk about it later, it is now later. Come."
Oh crap, any chance in hell I came make a run for it? No? Didn't think so. Fuck My Life.

Following Jinxx outside we sit on a grassy area a fair few meters away from the bus,
"Why Ashley?" He asks sympathetically,
"Why what?" Pretending I had no clue what he was on about,
"You know exactly what, don't start playing games" he was right I did know,
"I really don't want to talk about it Jinxx" I pleaded, "please don't make me" I looked up at him, my eyes begging him to give it up tears collecting in front of them,
"Okay, but if you ever and I mean EVER need to talk to someone, I'm here in not going to judge you, for anything, just please try not do it again." He smiled sadly and stands up, reaching a hand down for me to take I accept and he pulls me up, we walk back inside to see Jake and CC play fighting John trying to keep them apart and Andy and asshole (let's get one thing straight, I'm just going to call him everything but his name) making out, again Fuck My Life.

Walking straight past them, nudging fucker slightly as I pass, I head up the stairs and to my bunk but not without turning back once to see the two love birds glaring in my direction, from Andy that hurt even though I knew I had done something to receive it.

Jinxx's PoV
After going back on the bus with Ashley he heads straight upstairs, probably going to his bunk, but 'accidentally' bumped into Cobolt on his way, sitting down Jake turns to face me
"So what where you and Ashley talking about?"
"It's private" I say, I'm not going to tell them what happened with Ashley that's his job,
"What happened this morning?" CC asks this time,
"It is not my place to tell." I reply, truthfully, because it isn't.

I need to convince Ashley to tell the guys about his self harm, he needs us to help him because he can't do it alone. It's now about 2pm and we are all going out for dinner tonight at some posh restaurant place so I'm going to see if Ashley wants to talk to us then.

-Scarz 💙
Title-Pierce the veil-Hold on til' May

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