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Okay I give up giving the chapters names for now, if you have an idea for a chapter title that doesn't already have one let me know, it has to be lyrics from a song and tell me what song its from thanks.

Andy's PoV
When I arrived at the hospital I parked my car and ran through the main doors heading straight to the waiting room, upon arriving at my destination my heart broke a little at the sight before me, he looked a little more healthy but he was curled up tightly on the hard plastic chairs crying his eyes out.

Cautiously making my way towards him I slowly take the seat beside him and gently wrap my arms around him in a tight embrace, he jumped and tried to move away until he realized it was only me and that's when he completely broke down. I said nothing as I held him while he cried, wrapping his arms around my waist he held on tightly fisting my shirt in his hands as if I was going to disappear if he let go

We stayed like this even after his sobbing had subsided to small sniffles, we didn't move until a young girl screamed for her daddy, making us jump, the girl who looked around 5-6 years old and was in hello kitty pjs with a pink outdoor coat on and clutched a worn out teddy close to her chest, there were barely any people around due to it being quite late at night now so I had no idea who she had previously shouted for until she laid her eyes upon us and started to run, well kind of, she held the hand of a nurse who she was dragging behind her, pulling her over towards us.

"Daddy!" She shouted for the second time, this time grabbing Ashley's attention to which he removed himself from my grasp and closed the distance between him and the little girl, lifting her in his arms he hugged her tight. They stayed like that for about 5 minutes before the girl pulled away but Ashley continued to hold her on his hip,

"Daddy, Where's Momma?" The girl asked while rubbing her eyes and stifling a yawn to which she failed,

"Momma's gonna be away for a while, cause she's an angel now." Ash spoke solemnly, holding back fresh tears that threatened to fall.

"Is she dead?" She asked, her lip trembling as tears gathered in her sleepy eyes, Ash hesitated unsure of how to respond to such a forward question for a girl of her age, "Daddy tell me, is Momma dead?"

"Sadly sweetheart, yes she is." Ashley gave up and told her straight. "Now, since your here this, is Andy. He was in the band daddy used to play in."

"Does," I corrected him, he looked up shocked at me, "We do play in the same band." I continued was a soft, kind smile.

"Okay, anyway. Andy this is Ryann she's my 8 year old daughter." He said quietly, wait, he has a fucking kid?! I didn't say anything that was going through my mind as to why he didn't tell me I just smiled at the innocent young life he carried in his arms and laughed as she hid her face in his chest, looks like somebody's shy.

We stayed quiet for a while as the young girl mourned of her deceased mother and Ashley fought to stay strong for the child, the nurse who originally came over with Ryann came over again as she had left when Ashley first hugged the little girl, now she held an orange juice box and a Hershey bar, said items were handed to Ryann after she had permission from her father. The young nurse lingered for a short time

I told Ashley that we would come back and get his car the next day after some well needed rest, he got in the passenger seat of my car after we had gotten Ryann comfortably secured in her booster seat that I had retrieved from their car since she was to small not to have one.

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By the time I had pulled up outside my house Ryann was fast asleep and Ashley was halfway there. Getting out the car I go over to Ryann's door and carefully lifted her into my arms while not waking her, she held on tight with one arm around my neck and the other gripping her teddy bear in her sleep, she was so cute I really wish Ash had told me about her sooner.

Once she was settled comfortably on my hip, it wasn't hard to carry her since she was really small for her age, I'll have to remember to ask Ashley about that later. I opened Ashley's door and helped direct him in his movements, he was sluggish from the exhaustion since it was now well into the next morning at 5am, most of the lights were off in my house except the downstairs hall light which I always left on a night so I assumed the guys had left and the one who were still here, were asleep.

Walking through my front door I saw that the kitchen door was shut over but the light was on, so at least one of the guys was up. I took Ashley and Ryann up to my room to rest since his room was a wreck from the guys going through all his stuff, laying Ryann down I gently took off her coat and shoes without waking her and tucked her in before moving on to do the same with Ashley, I left his jeans on but took off his shirt, he didn't protest to any of this which I assume is because he is far to tired, leaving them to sleep I quietly left the room and made my way downstairs and into the kitchen to make myself some coffee and to face which ever guys who were still up, how fun.

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