Kids In The Dark

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Credit to MCR-MY_Killjoys for the title

Jinxx's PoV
We've been looking for Ashley for a week now, Andy gave up the next day. He said so what if he's gone he's just just looking for attention and he's trying to get our sympathy. I don't know what's gotten into him, Cobolt tried to talk to him and he just started screaming, you can't even say Ashley's name around him.

We had absolutely no leads on Ashley's whereabouts, Andy won't tell us anything and he's the one who knew Ashley the most. We don't know anything about him that would lead us to where he could be, hell we even phoned his grandparents but they don't know any friends of his in LA.

"It's my fault." Cobolt whispered, for like the millionth time this week, he just won't get it through that head of his that it isn't.

"Stop, Bolt. This has been going on longer than you, we were all just to blind to see it." I sighed,

Right now we're all, minus Andy, sat at the dining table brainstorming ideas.

"Where does he disappear to 3 times a year? In April, November and no one ever sees him at Christmas, where's he go?" Jake asks, he's right, Ashley disappears at the beginning of April and the end of November, every year, like clockwork,

"No one knows." Great back to square one.

Hearing my ringtone in the living room I run to pick it up, hoping its Ashley, without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I breathe, hope evident in my tone,

"I know where you can find Ashley." I hear a girls voice say, disappointment washed over me as she spoke but my mood picked up more with what she said.

"Who is this? How do you know where he is? Where is he?" I rushed out fast, I could barely make out what I was saying myself.

"Meet me at Snowdon park in two hours." Was all she said before she hung up, not waiting for my reply.

In two hours I will have the location of Ashley, but who the hell was that and how'd they know Ashley was missing?

Andy's PoV
Ha, the idiots downstairs are all running around like headless chickens, they have no idea what they're looking for, but me? I do.

I know exactly where he'll be, that's why I ain't worried about him, I know he's safe where he is, I've been working all week to get the address, given not as hard as everyone else, but I know what to look for, they don't.

I know that there's definitely something wrong that he didn't tell us on the tape, and I'm also still really mad at him, but that doesn't stop me caring about my friend.

Now that I have the address, I can go get him back.

An/Hmm who called? Who knows!!
Oh wait I do!! hehe
Im hyper so I'm sorry if there's loads a mistakes and its shit, and it's short.

Title All Time Low-kids in the dark
-Scarz 💙

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