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Jinxxs' PoV

I watched as Bolt left the driveway, then turned towards Andy who held his head in his hands as he sat on the couch, feeling sorry for himself I'll bet, aww poor Andy... Not

"it's your own fault mate," I said, well more growled as my emotions leaked into my voice, I was pissed. "you just pushed away two of the best things you had in your life,"

"I know, Jinxx" he whispered, his voice was more deep than usual so it showed he was on the verge of tears, personally I'm not caring that much, he brought it upon himself and only he can fix it, but honestly, I have no idea how he could possibly fix this.

Jake came up behind me as he entered the front room, he gave a short nod to say they were ready, so me, Sammi, Jake and CC all got ready and left Andy to wallow and think of what he's done, as we got into Jake's car and headed over to Bolts apartment.

Bolt had messaged before we left saying that he'd be at least four hours so when we reached his apartment we let ourselves in with the spare key and just lounged around in the front room, CC raiding his fridge, the bottomless pit that he is.

Ashley's PoV
Cobolt was being so nice, I couldn't help but think what his alterior motives were, he has to have at least one,
Yes, I have trust issues, sue me.

We had just pulled away from Auroras home, so many memories were made there, I have no idea what we'll do with the place. Cobolt had just put a CD into the player in the car, I was curious to see what he'd put on and was pleasantly surprised when I heard the soothing melodies of the song God's Will came through the speakers,

“Martina Mcbride?” I questioned, a small smile, slowly creeping in,

“You like country?” he retorted back, a hint of surprises leaked into his voice although it sounded like he tried to hide it,

“Hell yeah!" I responded with a little more enthusiasm shown than I wanted,

I seen Cobolt smile a little out the corner of my eye and we fell into a comfortable silence while Ryann sang along to the music, which made me smile with pride, she was my everything.

It took us a little longer than 2 hours to get back to his place cause of traffic, and we'd went through 4 different cds, all of them being country singer to, when we pulled into the car park of the apartment complex he resided at, I seen jakes car next to us, meaning all of them were already here, I really didn't wanna face them right now and I think it showed on my face as Cobolt spoke up,

“its okay, you don't need to talk to them if you don't wanna, but you are gonna have to eat a little, since you never ate dinner earlier,” he spoke softly, I tried to suppress the groan at the thought of eating, but ultimately failed in my endeavour, “I know, you don't wanna, even if it's toast, or some crackers or anything like that, I'll just be happy that I knkw that you got something into you.”

I smiled inwardly at his kindness, he knew it was hard for me to eat, he probably knows everything that goes through my head at the thought of putting those greasy, fatty foods near my mouth, and he was trying to make it as easy on me as possible, he's so nice, to nice in fact, I deck him and he's making sure I eat, yeah sure that definitely makes sense.

I never heard the drivers side door open, nor the door where Ryann was, only realising both Cobolt and Ryann had exited the car when I felt a cold draft on my bare arms, since I had removed my jacket in this hot box of a car, looking over, he had Ryann settled on his hip as he waited for me to get out, quickly apologising I got out and put my jacket on as the night air nipped at my skin, it must've been about 10pm, and way past Ryann’s bed time to.

As we entered the apartment, the heated air greeted my body, gracious to have such warmth, I sighed aloud, content for now. I heard Cobolt laugh at my reaction, dick, let me be happy.

Cobolt kept to his word and gave me 5 crackers to eat, the number of how many being given by Ryann when asked, and since that was he rucks number that is what she went with, I wasn't happy in the least about this decision, but with the words of 'eat what you can'  from Cobolt J began slowly nibbling on them, taking the smallest bites imaginable each time.

After I finished the third, I knew I couldn't eat any more, my stomach already feeling like it wanted to reject everything, Ryann gladly ate the remaining two, she was a bottomless pit, that she got from her mother, she was half asleep as he finished the last bites of the crackers, I took that as a cue to get her to bed, me and Ryann were sharing the guest bedroom while Cobolt was in his own, and the guys had left when they knew we were back safely.

Tucked into bed, I sang softly to my little princess as she drifted off into the land of dream, myself being not to far behind her.

AN// Im sorry I took so long again, life is hectic in general, I'm doing my level 6 in college, so lots of work, plus I have a few exams coming up, I'm gonna push myself to finish this for you guys,
And its crap, I know, I'm sorry.
-Psycho 🔥

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