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Ashley's PoV
After Andy had driven us to his place, I wasn't in an argumentative mood so I simply followed his lead to his room, letting him remove my shoes, jacket and tank I didn't resist and when he told me to rest I simply nodded and curled up next to Ryann and held her close to my chest and I fell into an uneasy sleep.


I woke up to raised voices, I think they were arguing and I'm sure it's about me since I heard my name being mentioned, making sure Ry was still sound asleep and comfortable I made my way downstairs towards the sounds of the argument.

Standing in the doorway of the kitchen I peek in carefully to see Andy and Jinxx arguing while the rest of the guys sit at the table just watching as the two rip each other's throats out. I stayed hidden by the door for a few minutes that is until Jinxx tried taking a swing at Andy so I moved into sight and made my presence known with a fake cough.

"Thank God your okay! I thought we'd never see you again, especially after the wild goose chase yesterday." Jinxx spoke as soon as he saw me in the doorway and came over and hugged me tightly,

"What do you mean 'wild goose chase'?" I asked giving him a perplexed look,

"I got a call yesterday, someone said they knew where you were but they never showed." Jinxx explained, who the hell would call them telling him that?

"Who was it?" I asked confused, only 2 people knew where I was and that's cause I was staying with them,

"I don't know, all she said was to meet her at Snowdon park yesterday afternoon but she never came." Jinxx replied shrugging it off, me and Aurora were meant to go there yesterday with Ryann but the weather decided to be horrible and it was pouring a rain so we choose not to, that's when Aurora said she had to go to the Shop.

"It's your fault." I whispered harshly under my breath, seeing red and not thinking clearly when I realized it was Aurora he was meeting,


"It's your fault she's dead!!!" I screamed and jumped at him, "You killed her!! She was going to see you and now she's dead!!" When I finished I broke down sobbing once again, realization that she isn't coming back finally setting in.

Nobody said anything and stayed silent as I felt somebody wrap their arms around me and held me as I cried, as they whispered soothing words into my ear I realized it was Andy and held onto him for dear life.

"She's dead Andy, she's gone and she ain't coming back." I sobbed harder into his shoulder, more than likely soaking his t-shirt, he said nothing as he held me tight against him and let me cry.

We stayed like that for about 5 minutes in complete silence, my strangled cries the only sound as her mangled body flashed across my mind, unable to shake the sight of her beaten up body and broken bones as she lay on a cold metal slab.

Pulling away once I had my breathing under enough control and the tears had stopped I wiped my dampened cheeks, looking up at the guys they stared at me intently waiting for some answers but before I could an innocent voice came first,

"Daddy?" I heard a small, shy voice at the doorway. Ryann stood against the doorframe in her pjs with my hoodie on, she must have been cold, and her teddy resting in her arms, "where are we?" She rubbed her eyes with her adorable little fists, probably trying to get the sleep out them.

"We're at Andy's house sweetheart, we'll go home soon." I said softly as I walked over to her and lifted her up in my arms and sat on the couch with her in my lap.

"Who the hell is that and why is it calling you daddy?" Jake spoke up, the rest murmuring words in agreement to the question. Said question was not answered, only by a hard look from Andy as if to say 'not the time'.


"Why is she so small?" Andy whispered as we watched Ry play with some of Andy's batman figures (only thing he had suitable for a child)

"She was 3 months premature, lucky to survive too." An average 8 year old is usually around 4 foot 2-3 inches tall but Ry stands only at 3 foot 5 inches, it was a miracle that either of them survived.

I had explained to the rest of the guys who Ryann was, well I said she was my daughter and that's all they got. They weren't exactly happy that they wouldn't get anymore information but they didn't push it.

Much to my dismay Andy and Cobolt are cuddling up right next to me but I won't have to worry about that for much longer.

An//I know this took forever and I am so very sorry it's crappy but now a question, What do you think should happen next chapter?
-Ryann 🎶

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