How Could This Happen To Me?

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I really need to start thinking about titles for my chapters!!!!

Ashley's PoV
It had been a week since I left the band behind, I convinced Aurora to let me stay here, I agreed that if Andy comes looking for me then I'll go back, if not I stay here and stick to the no contact thing. It didn't take long to convince her as soon as I brought Ryann into it she agreed almost immediately. It may have been mean to use her as an excuse like that but it wasn't in a bad way and I would love to spend more time with her, I love her to death!

Right now Aurora was getting ready to go out somewhere, when I asked her where she was going she just said she had to nip to the shop. I didn't know what and I didn't bother asking, she just said she'd be back soon and to watch Ryann.

4 hours later and I was panicking, Aurora still hadn't returned and it was starting to get dark outside. I tried to stay calm for Ryann's sake but I was freaking out on the inside.
I was just about to start getting Ryann to bed when I hear the home phone ring, leaving her to change I go and answer it,


"Hello, is this the home of Aurora Borkitz?" A female voice said on the other end of the line,

"Yes it is." I replied hurriedly, what if something happened? What if she's hurt? No Ash! Stop! She's fine.

"I'm Dr. Hawthorne at Los Angeles Central Hospital, whom may I be speaking with?"

"Ashley Purdy, a friend."

"Okay Ashley, I'm going to have to ask you to come to the hospital, just ask for me at the reception desk, okay thank you." When we said our goodbyes I stood there for about another 5 minutes trying to figure out what just happened, and what happened to Aurora?

Once I had collected my thoughts somewhat I quickly got my shoes on and grabbed my keys, hurrying upstairs to get Ryann, not telling her why I hurried to get her coat and shoes on not even caring she was still in her pajamas and ran out to the car and speeding to the hospital.

Andy's PoV
I was just about to leave the house to find Ashley when I overheard some of the guys talking in the kitchen,

"No! I had a real, physical lead on Ashley! But she never showed up." That was Jinxx, what kind of lead could he have? I decided I would go see what he was talking about.

"What's this supposed lead you've got then?" I said while walking into the room, all eyes snapped to me, all with a mix of shock and anger.

"What do you care?" Jinxx snapped, he was the most angered by my presence in the room.

"Oh nothing, just wondering though," I said as if I didn't really care, I do care, just not as much as they do, cause I know he is perfectly fine where he is, "Maybe your 'lead' would match mine." I smirked, a satisfied look on my face.

"What the hell are you on about?" Jinxx said pinching the bridge of his nose, probably thinking I was messing him about. I was about to reply with some snarky comments when my phone rang in my pocket, pulling it out I was surprised to see Ashley's caller ID.

"Andy!! I know you hate me but please listen." He spoke fast, urgency present in his tone, he also sounded as if he had been crying,

"Ash calm down, I don't hate you." Saying this prompted everyone on the room to turn their attention on me, I waited till his breathing slowed down before speaking again, "Calm enough now?"


"Now what's wrong?" I asked softly, trying to keep him from having a panic attack.

"Light! It's Light! She's Dead!!" He panicked, wait what? Dead? Oh god no this can't be good.

"Ashley, where are you?" By now everyone on the whole house was in the kitchen staring intently at me.

"Hospital waiting room." He whispered, he sounded on the verge of tears again.

"Stay right there, I'll be there as soon as I can." I urged, grabbing my jacket and keys I ran out the door, not caring much for the guys behind me, "okay Ash, I'm gonna have to hang up now so I can drive but I'll be there soon." After a quick goodbye we hang up and I drive as quick as I legally can to the hospital.

Ashley and Aurora were like family, he cared for her deeply, so this is gonna be really hard on him. I can't stay mad at him right now, not when he needed someone the most, and he called for me so I'm gonna be there.

Title- Simple plan - untitled
-Scarz 💙

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