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Ashley's PoV
He kissed me, or I kissed him, I don't exactly know who kissed who but what I'm sure of is we are kissing! It was absolute bliss, forgetting everything around us as his lips moved in time with mine, it was perfect until one thought came to the surface of my mind...Cobolt, Andy's BOYFRIEND! I was kissing a taken man and he was kissing me!

Quickly regaining my thoughts I roughly pushed him off of me screaming 'NO' as I did so, not particularly at him but more to the both of us and whatever just happened. He stood up, looking down at me in shock, I grappled for the nearest thing to me which was a picture frame, of the whole band all smiling, and threw it at him,he dodged it and moved back slightly, he opened his mouth to speak but I didn't allow him the time before grabbing the beside lamp and tossing it at his head, he quickly dodged again but still wouldn't leave, so throwing something else, I think it was a vase of sorts this time, I screamed 'GET OUT!' As I launched it towards him, he quickly left through the door just before the vase hit the wall beside the door.

I sat there, my breathing heavy, staring at the door that my secret crush had just exited, well not so secret anymore. Tears escaped my eyes as they made tracks down my cheeks, I sat quietly just silently crying before I felt two sets of arms encase my body, looking up I saw Jinxx on my left side and surprisingly Cobolt on my right. I tried to ignore the fact I had just kissed his boyfriend as I just sat and cried while they held my trembling body.

"What happened?" Cobolt soothed as he rubbed a hand on my back, okay maybe I was wrong to jump to unnecessary conclusions about him, he's just as caring as and he came up to see if I was okay, I don't see any of the rest of them doing that now, do I?

"He kissed me!" I blurted out without thinking, I realised my mistake when I felt Cobolt tense beside me,

"He what?!" That was Jinxx, and he was mad, But Cobolts silence is what scared me, only gaining to make me cry harder that I already was, what have I done?

"He kissed me..." I spoke quietly, slumped against Jinxx, just defeated.

I felt Cobolt move off the bed we were all sat upon, looking up I saw him just as he left the room, hearing the shouting from downstairs between him and Andy, hearing Cobolt tell Andy it was over, I felt the guilt come down on me like a ton of bricks.

Ryann's PoV (Remember she's 8 okay)
Daddy went upstairs a little while ago, he looked really sad, Mr Andy went up to see him and they haven't come back down yet. I know daddy likes Mr Andy, he told mommy all about him, he said Mr Andy was the bestest person in the whole wide world and that he really loved him.

A few more moments had passed before Mr Jinxx got up and went to the door of the living room, as he reached the door a loud scream came from upstairs, it sounded like daddy, it was followed by things being thrown and broken then another scream before Andy came running down the stairs looking like he say a ghost.

"What the hell happened?!" Mr Jinxx was the first to speak, hehe he said a bad word, Mr Andy didn't say anything, he stood frozen with his mouth looking like a fishes mouth.

"The fuck you do to him?" That was Mr Bolt he has a funny voice, I think the forgotten I was here as they keep saying bad words, it's funny

"N-Nothing," Mr Andy stuttered, he watched Mr Jinxx and Mr Bolt go upstairs, and seemed to panic more as they mumbled 'you better hope not'

While they went upstairs Mr Andy sat on the couch and put his head on his hands, it was a few minutes of silence, nobody was doing anything, well I was eating my burger but that was it, it was maybe about 5 minutes before Mr Bolt came running down the stairs looking very angry and charged at Mr Andy and just as he looked up Mr Bolt punched him right in the face, Mr Andy was caught off guard but didn't fall over, he stood up and tried to hug Mr Bolt but was pushed away roughly,

"Don't even try it Asshole," hee more bad words, this is fun, "I know what you just did so don't even bother coming near me OR Ashley, he doesn't need to be fucked around by you and frankly neither do I. We're done!" Mr Bolt spat harshly to Mr Andy before coming over to me, picking me up onto his hip and carrying me upstairs to daddy. Leaving Mr Andy with tears in his eyes.

AN// I know I don't update very quickly, I am currently in a situation that prevents me from using wattpad and have been for a wee while now, I am continuing to write everything on paper but I cannot get them up often as when I get the internet I can only use it for like an hour or so and I still gotta type it all up and such, also I am currently studying at college and there is a lot of work involved, meaning no much time for anything else, please bare with me and keep reading!! Thank you to everyone who continues to read this! Next Chapter tomorrow maybe, depends when I type it up.

Also changing my tag, I no longer go by Ryann, I am now Mallak, but still go by Scar(z) and always will. Just thought I'd let you know.
-Mallak 🎶

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